
I'm in the middle of putting on a linen sleeve when a knock came on my door.

"Mr. Nikolaev breakfast is served. Your family is waiting for you," Otto announced from outside the room.

"Okay. I'll be down after a few minutes," I responded.

I went on to ruffle my bangs on my forehead, shaking off droplets of water.

I walked into the dining room and saw everyone already seated. Ana looked up to me. Äke meanwhile kept on reading something on his phone. Probably the morning news.

"Good morning dear. Did you sleep well?" ana greeted me.

"Good morning ana. Same as always," I responded to her.

"Morning äke, Raya, Adi," I greeted the rest at the table.

My father nodded his head to me in acknowledgment while Rayana and Adilet greeted me back with a good morning. Äke put away his phone after a moment and said,

"Are you sure you still don't want to go to the doctor to fix your sleep problem?"

I smiled at him.

"I'm okay äke. We already talked about this."

He nodded his head at me but didn't look convinced.

"Alright son. If it gets worse, don't hesitate to tell me or your mother. Now, let's not keep the food waiting."

My eyes turned to the door of the dining room and as if on cue, Leila appeared with Ms. McCrae behind her.

"Ah. Ms. McCrae will be joining us for breakfast äke. She will be my new manager starting today. She arrived earlier this morning," I announced.

All eyes turned to the doorway and Ms. McCrae slightly bowed her head in greeting.

"Good morning. I'm Dahlia Jade McCrae."

"Oh. Come dear. Take the seat next to Rayana," my mother invited her in heavily accented English.

She walked towards us and neared the empty seat next to Raya. We sat on the other side of the table opposite ana and Adi. Äke is sitting at the head of the table.

Äke said a prayer of thanksgiving and we proceeded to eat. Ana scooped some porridge into a bowl and handed it to Ms. McCrae.

"Help yourself dear," she said to her in Kazakh, forgetting herself.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you," Ms. McCrae responded, also in Kazakh.

We all looked at her in surprise. Senti didn't mention anything about her speaking in Kazakh just yet.

I also spoke to her in English a while ago thinking that she can't speak the language.

"You know how to speak in Kazakh dear?" ana asked with genuine surprise, voicing out the look on all of our faces.

She nodded.

"Yes ma'am. I challenged myself to try and learn the language so that I can communicate better with everyone."

"Wow. You did very well dear. You almost sound like a true Kazakh," äke complimented her with a smile.

She smiled back.

"Thank you sir."

Wow. When did she start learning? Five months ago?

Well, learning a new language in five months is possible I guess.

"How long have you been learning Kazakh?" I asked her.

"I had been learning it for the past five months, Sir," she answered, turning to me.

"Did you have a little background? Russian perhaps?" I prodded on.

"Arys dear let Ms. Dahlia eat first," ana jumped in.

Ms. McCrae gave ana a polite smile and looked back to me,

"I didn't have any background on the language sir so it was a little difficult. The pronunciation is a bit tricky too."

"Yes. I would agree," I smiled at her.

"By the way dear, you said you came from New York? We miss New York. We used to stay there for a week at a time."

It was äke who spoke. I looked up from my food and my eyes strayed to ana. She sent äke a look of disapproval which went unnoticed.

"Yes sir but I was only there for a few years. I originally lived in the Philippines and then I moved to Australia for college. It was after I graduated that I moved to New York and found work," Ms. McCrae answered him.

"Hm. And you met Senti in New York while you were working?" äke asked again.

She nodded.

"We worked together during an ad campaign for Mr. Nikolaev's concert in the Americas. That was a big project and we spent quite some time together and got close."

"Alright dear. Let Ms. Dahlia eat her food first," ana interrupted.

With a smile, äke gestured to her to eat her food. I can tell he already likes her.

We ate our food in comfortable silence for a few minutes until ana spoke up, asking Ms. McCrae herself this time.

"But I am really wondering dear about what made you decide to become my son's manager. I mean, you had a good position in a big company if I heard it right. Leaving a reputable job in New York to come here is a bit unusual."

"I really wanted to try something new and go somewhere I'm not familiar with. It's youthful passion ma'am I guess. Also, I just resigned when Senti told me I can replace him on his job since he really needs to resign to care for his wife. I thought it would be an interesting experience and simply grabbed the opportunity," she answered ana.

My mother nodded in agreement.

"Yes dear. You are young. It's good to do all the things you want to do while you have your strength and vigor. I wish you good luck on this new journey with my son."

Ana gave her a sweet smile. I'm a hundred percent convinced she also likes her.

Ms. McCrae may seem detached but she's polite and gives all the correct answers.

My eyes caught Adilet stealing glances at her. He doesn't care much about other people, especially strangers. Is he crushing on her?

Well I can see why.

Ms. McCrae is quite pleasing with her flowy raven hair and bright hazel green eyes. Not to mention that she is quite tall for a woman with a good body.

No. What am I thinking right now?

I continued chewing my manti and tried to dismiss my thoughts.

"What do you think of Ms. McCrae, Adi? She will be working with me now instead of your favorite man Senti."

He looked up and narrowed his eyes at me. I gave him an innocent smile.

"I think she's good. If Senti is friends with her and recommended her to work for you, she must be good," he answered with his head down.

I turned to Ms. McCrae and said,

"If Adilet approves, I believe we won't have any problem Ms. McCrae."

She just smiled.

"How about you Raya?" I asked my younger sister next to me.

"Well, Adi's right. I trust Senti's judgment. And it's nice to have a new person in the family."

She offered a polite smile to Ms. McCrae which was reciprocated. 

So I guess everyone's on board. No one seemed to notice that she is a woman who will be spending a lot of her time with me.

The meal was wrapped up and the table was cleared of the food. In its place are teacups and saucers and tea. Ms. McCrae was a bit coerced by ana to stay and drink with us.

"It's good to relax a little after a meal dear and tea is very good in cleansing one's palate. Why not join us?" she directed at her with her winning smile.

Ms. McCrae gave her a polite smile and after a second's hesitation, stayed on her seat. I could sense that she and ana have very contrasting opinions on the word relax. I nearly chuckled aloud at the thought. She must be uncomfortable joining a family she barely knows and worse, have a dallying tea time with them. 

"How are you doing in school, Raya?" I said, turning my attention to my sister.

"Hmm. This thesis would be the death of me," she chuckled.

"I'm hundred percent sure you will do a good job," I gave her a wink.

She smiled.

"Thanks koke. Your unwavering faith in me is much appreciated."

"Don't give up on it no matter what. You will do well," I added.

"What about you Adi? Having fun with your new music teacher?" I said, turning to Adilet.

"He taught me a few new tricks with the drums," he grinned at me.

"Nice. Maybe you can teach me some time."

"Sure. But in return I want your new Xbox."

I laughed at him.

"Well, if those tricks are good I might consider it."

"I'm getting the luggage with Otto children. Finish your tea and get ready," ana put in as she stood up from her seat.

Rayana and Adilet both responded with a 'yes ana'.

"Will you be staying here for the rest of your hiatus son?" äke joined the conversation.

"Yes äke. Arlan and Miras aga will be here again tomorrow until the next day to work on a new song. Then they will be back again after the holidays."

"You have not rested at all during this hiatus. You are still busy working day in and day out."

I just gave him a sheepish smile. I really don't want to hear another reprimand. Ana had given me a lot of it just a week ago. 
