Out of Ordinary

"I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just a little confused. What is happening with you?" I asked Jade as the lift carried us down to the lobby.

"You mean my outfit and my make up? I told you, I'm in disguise."

"Right. I mean, why go through all this hustle of disguising yourself? Also, where did you get all those things? I'm very sure that they are not from your wardrobe."

We both got out of the lift at the same time.

"I went out while you were in your interview and got all of these from a mall. It's cheap and I had fun bringing all of this together."

"That's good, but it's not really your style."

She laughed.

"Of course not. But as you said, I don't want to be seen with you out in the open so I need to be in disguise."

"But we could have just ate lunch in your room again."