Model / 6.11 : The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Erin sighed waiting for her coffee. Why is Dawson taking so long? She decided to check her emails in the meantime and saw an anonymous one. She clicked on it and saw that a video was attached to it. She played it until the end wide-eyed. Fuck! How could Eden talk about what happened that night? He could tell that Ezra was antagonizing him, why would he do that when he would have more chance to win if they were close? Astrid has already been eliminated now everyone will know that he stood there doing nothing while Dawson beat Eden.

She can't believe she had so much faith in Astrid and Ezra. If that wasn't enough Enders knows that Eden is his son and from the way he spoke it seems like he wants a relationship with him. She picked up her cellphone when it rang. She couldn't recognize the number.


"Hello, Mother."

Erin was stunned.


"Did you receive my email?"

"You're the one who sent me that video?"