ABO / 5.19 : Ending

When Cael was gone Eden looked at Atlas. He was looking at his stomach with worry and he immediately knew why he wanted to meet. He smiled.


Atlas met Eden's eyes. He isn't surprised Eden found out he is super smart, he always thought he was smarter than everyone but it's actually true when it comes to Eden.

He murmured:

"Thank you."

Eden tilted his head.

"Aren't you happy?"

Atlas swallowed and said:

"I've never felt happier than I did since this whole nightmare started. In the previous universe, I realized that I don't want to run from my feelings anymore no matter how intense they get. I don't want to be without Er-Ge but in this universe, he had a difficult childhood and had a child through abuse so he doesn't want another one. You've looked into my mind it's already hard enough to go through a pregnancy and it'll only be harder without him by my side."

Eden took a step forward and said: