Magic / 6.1 : This Atlas is a mage

When Atlas opened his eyes he was laying at the bottom of a ravine bleeding out. His entire body ached and the smallest movement made him want to die. Atlas deactivated the pain sensory and blinked to receive this universe's information.

This Atlas is a 15 years old mage. In this universe everyone is born a magian meaning they have the potential to become a mage or an archmage.

Every magian has a nucleus and when it's fully formed at 12 years old they can test if they can become a mage or an archmage. Mages use the main four elements abilities: air, earth, water, and fire.

The fifth element ability is darkness but only the archmages can harness that power. Once a magian is 12 they try to harness the power of the elements around them and if they can an opaque light will form around them.