Magic / 6.25 : Changes

Yan looked at his father who was choking on his blood. He looked at Atlas and saw his hand moving. He implored:

"Please stop!"

Atlas threw an icicle, and when it hit Huang's heart his body fell backward. Yan laid his head and his chest crying desperately.

Sick of hearing his cries Atlas tossed a ball of fire, then sealed Yan in a bubble. He was screaming in pain and hitting the bubble to get out but it wouldn't break. Atlas waved his hand so the bubble was out of sight.

Yitian asked:

"How long will it last?"

Atlas smiled.

"An hour, even if it's still not enough."

The twins smiled. Atlas stood up and walked to Kian. Everyone believed that he was going to be his next victim. Kian looked at him nervously.

Atlas asked:

"Are you okay?"

Kian nodded. Atlas smiled and said:

"You did well."

Kian smiled, he was glad he didn't mess this up. He was so nervous that his hands were trembling incessantly.