Rockwood Forest

Dirt slopes and craggy ridges flanked the path they were moving. The magnificent plants in this forest were truly remarkable. They mirrored the enormous sequoia trees that Keira had seen in the media, but these trees' branches were much larger and more lush. She began to wonder how far out of town she must be to have stumbled upon such a place.


As the cold air settled in, her body shuddered. The trees around her rustled and swayed as the wind picked up, making her feel even more vulnerable.

The dress she was wearing couldn't keep her warm from the wind that blew against her skin when frost dashed through the woods.

Feeling that her body was shivering, Frost removed his animal skin cloak from his chest and draped it over Keira's body,

"Take this, the air is growing colder" as he wrapped the animal skin around her.

She was stunned when a strange, unprocessed, asymmetrical sheet was draped around her body.

'Is this some kind of new fashion? I've been in the fashion industry for years and have never seen people wearing this'

Glancing at the animal skin with doubt but still.. saying thanks to him.




They'd arrived at the base of a massive peak. Not far from them was a male standing guard, he seemed perplexed when he saw his tribe's chief with a female in his arms.

The guard was approaching, but Frost paid no attention. Keira's current state of trembling made it clear that now was not the time to answer his tribe's subordinate's inquiries; instead, he needed to get her to a warm place immediately.

The odd sensations started as soon as Frost guided her past the mountain's border. To be honest, she wasn't sure if she could call it architecture, given the houses here were obviously caves... or if she could say made of caves to avoid embarrassing the architecture's face.

Even though each one looked cozy and was decorated with intricate stone and wood carving, all the tools and equipment strew about the place were also hand carved.

She was at a loss when she spotted the locals. Everyone was dressed in the same animal skin that Frost gave her. They're carrying big baskets of fruits, as well as firewood and animal hides.

Hunting and foraging appeared to be the primary means of subsistence for this local. Maybe they feel particularly at one with the world around them and wildlife. Leaving Keira even more reason to suspect something fishy is going on, so she ought to question Frost on the matter as soon as she has a chance.



The cave Frost led her to was bigger than the others, but it was less lively. There weren't much furnishings, just two stone seats and a stone table off to the left, a stack of wood and some animal hides on the right, and a stone bed draped in puffy fur deep inside the cavern.

After gently setting her down on the cave floor, he observed Keira's uncertain expression. Taking a good look around, he saw that his cave was boring and uninviting.

He wished he had taken the time to adorn his house the way other males do to fancy their females.

Since he was always busy patrolling the area and hunting for his tribe, he never imagined that he would ever bring a female to his home.

As soon as the thought struck him, he hastened to gather firewood and light a small campfire to warm the place. Snatched up a large leather rug and set it down hastily to make the floor more bearable for the female.

He moved the stone seats to group around the fire, thoroughly swept away the dust, and covered them with the plushest furs he could find in his cave.

This was uncommon for him. He had never done this, not even for visitors to his cavern, and he wasn't sure if what he was doing was acceptable to her or not.

However, he was eager to show off his hunting prowess and provide her with the finest food he could gather. At the same time, he cared that her stay in his cave was pleasant and secure.

Keira has absolutely no idea what he meant. She stood there in stupor, wondering why he had just cleaned up such a huge mess.

"Take a seat" He extended his palm and led her to the stone seat he had meticulously cleaned.

She seated down, nervously biting her tongue. Not sure if it was fine to sit on the odd-looking fur like this. Though It was soft and clean, she had no idea what species it was made from.

As soon as he saw her settle down, he said "You must be hungry, right?...wait here, I will go out and bring food," and he dashed out of the cave.

She remained there motionless, watching his figure leave. There were many things she wanted to ask and should wait for him to return.



A few moments later, there was footsteps of someone entering the cave.

Peering at the cave's entrance, Keira was horrified when she saw a hugh wolf with a big animal limb in its jaws.

The blood was dripping from that limb, and it was enough to cause her to lunge out of the stone chair, warily stepping away from it for fear the wolf would attack her later.

The wolf gradually transformed into a naked man, gripping an animal's limb in his fist, and approached Keira, who was now frozen in place.

The green eyes were concernedly peering at her as he caressed her cheek with his empty hand. "Are you feeling unwell? Why is your face so pale?"

The warmth of his palm on her cheek caused her to flinch 'A wolf! I just saw a wolf transform into a human, This is freaking insane!'

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she tried to make sense of what was happening. She couldn't believe her eyes as she witnessed the wolf transform into a person.

Although she had read a fair amount of fantasy novels, she never expected to actually meet one in her life. "Wha-what are you?"

Frost had no clue as to what had happened to the female or why she was so terrified of him.

"As you can see, I'm a wolf and the chief of this wolf tribe," he said as he playfully patted on Keira's head and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't bite."

After desperately collecting herself, she asked, "Could you tell me where this place is?" she was patient for the sake of finding a way back home.

"We are in the wolf tribe in Rockwood Forest" Frost was still concerned and didn't stop consoling her, now it was his turn to be terrified what if Keira disliked him because his wolf form was unappealing to her?

"Did you get lost from your tribe?" He asked as Keira's initial response to his beast shape was too terrifying. If she's from this forest, she's probably seen his tribemate turn while they're hunting.

Her speechlessness was striking. It seemed likely that she was far from home, and it would be best if she keep a low profile until she could figure out where she was.

"Yes, I was lost from my tribe It's.. far away from here"

There was a tinge of sadness in his voice as he said, "Tomorrow I will bring you to our witch doctor, he knows many tribes in this area and could help you find a way back home."

Frost was reluctant to let go of her, but he realized that she probably had worried family waiting for her.

