Mating *


Arel held her in his arms and walked toward the slow-flowing water stream, gently laying her down on the soft grass.

The purple eyes gleamed with his reflection, drawing the viewer to fall under a spell. He bent down, following the enchanting beauty that slowly pulled him deeper into the sensual pool of desire.

He leaned his face closer, sliding his fingers along the smooth, silky skin that flinched at the roughness of his masculine hand.

Her lips gasped, letting out a soft moan as he slid the finger down her top. Curving the corner of his mouth at how those tempting lips invited him to get closer, he pressed his ruddy lips on hers, tasting the flavor of her sweetness.

A faint, satisfied moan came from the male as he was pleased with the taste of his beloved. At this rate, he realized that he was addicted to her, the softness, the luscious scent, the sensuous taste—she was his, and he would never let anything come to take her away.

Her body was softened by every spot that he touched. He slid his hand behind the nape of her neck, keeping her from wobbling.

As the softness and warmth of the kisses spread through their lips, stirring the heat inside their bodies. Almost as if she could feel the need burning through him, her little tongue slicking past his lips to stroke his. Growling low, he fisted one hand in her hair and clutched her hip with the other as he devoured her mouth.

Keira gasped when Arel settled between her thighs. His hands were everywhere at once, squeezing her breast, his thump teasing her nipple, then down her ribs, tearing off her top and throwing it on the ground. releasing his mouth from hers with a growl, then dove at her, sucking her nipple into his mouth, flicking it ruthlessly with his tongue while he palmed the other.

The warm breath and his scent of pine wood made her dazed with the yearning for more, she wrapped her arm around his head pulling him to suck her harder.

Grabbing his animal skin top, she yanked it upward, needing to feel his skin against hers. At her insistent tugging, he released her nipple with a groan and reached back to fist his top, pulling it over his head.

She gazed up at him, taking in the rippling muscle, the strong chest, the vein on his arms, then farther up to his face, taut with need.

He smirked, satisfied, as he saw her sensual face looking at his body with needy. Then, he kissed her down from the neck to her breast, sucking around her bust, turning her skin red from all his kisses. using both hands molding her breast while his lips suckled roughly on her perky nipple, he suckled harder, his hands frantic, chest rising and falling with the rapid breaths.

He went still as he moved his other hand down, slipped it under the panty. When he reached her pussy, he made an animalistic growl and garbled, inarticulate words. meeting her eyes again, he breathed, "You are perfect."

Rubbing and slid his rough finger in her hole, turning her pussy to soak wet.

Arel removed his fingers from her entrance, sucking Keira's wetness that was stuck on his fingers.

Then he dove his body down, pulling out her skirt and panty revealing her silky skin. He turned his hands back to his torso, took off his animal skin skirt, showing his huge, erect cock.

He leaned down, pressing his lips on her thighs, briefly kissed both of her thighs, and lifted her legs over his shoulders.

Keira exhaled sharply as his face was between her thighs, he breathed heavily with desire, the size of his large muscular body contrasting sharply with her human frame.

Her thighs clenched as she glanced down his shaft and let out a sudden groan when his tongue unerringly zeroed in on her clit, circling the swollen nub teasingly before he closed his lips around it, sucking gently.

Her thighs tensed and a shuddering moan vibrated her throat. Letting her head fall back, she reached down, burying her fingers in his soft golden hair, and held on as he teased her ruthlessly, pushing her right to the edge of an orgasm. She was gasping hoarse pulling gently on his hair, quickly want him to lick faster. He sucked roughly on her pearl, letting her moan from reaching her orgasm. She was soaked in juice, he licked and swallowed clean.

He crawled up her body until he was looming over her. hooking one of her legs on his hip, he reached between them and lined his cock up with her opening.

Dropping down so he was propped up on his forearms, he curled his hips forward and pulled Keira's hand to grab his erect gigantic

"I want your hand to pull me in," he whispered. She bit her lips, shaking off her modesty, and grabbed his large cock, pushing his cock inside her one slow inch at a time. Feeling hazy, she groaned at the huge size sliding in.

Arel bit his lips at how needy she was. her eyes falling shut at the feeling of his thickness, slick with the lubrication he produced, stretching her.

Keira moaned deeply and opened her legs wider, when got into mid-shaft, panting through the sense of fullness.

Reaching between their bodies, Arel circled a thumb around her clit, making her breath catch in her throat and her walls flutter warningly, forcing a choked grunt out of him.

He sank inside her to the hilt then withdrew just as slowly before setting a hard, fast pace that had her breathless and writhing in moments.

Another orgasm hit her, bowing her back off the ground and freezing the breath in her lungs, trapping the scream that tried to erupt. He lifted her legs onto his shoulders, grabbing her waist. The rhythmic clenching of her walls dragging him over the edge.

She watching at his lewd face that was fucking her hungrily, made her moan as Arel thrust rapidly. leaning down, he tangled his tongue with hers.

Tearing apart the kiss, he went down sucking on her hard nipple while his hips frantically rocking her "I, can't control it anymore," he finished whispering, his cock had grown into two. She groaned wildly at how the cocks stretched her impossibly wider.

"... Y-you have two?" She glanced down at her pussy with two huge cocks banging inside her. Even though the pleasure drowning her, she felt him bury the thickened base of his shafts inside her, making her gasp sharply with how huge and curved up while they're hitting on her g-spot.

Arel rubbed his finger on her clit, moving the double gigantic slowly in and out until the inside of her was stretched to fit, and pressed them fully inside. Rolling his hips wildly, grunting echoed through the forest.

The air was filled with the smell of lust. They both were fucking for unknowing time until his cocks were twitching as he emptied himself, in wave after wave, filling her to overflowing, heightening her orgasm until everything outside the mind-blowing pleasure ceased to exist.

For endless moments, they were lost in each other, until their peaks receded, and they could breathe again. Arel let his head fall forward, resting his forehead on her shoulder, his rapid, panting breath gusting across her flushed skin. Then he moved his head up and gently kissed her lips, which were swelling from all those earlier kisses.

His tall figure lifted her up, holding her back to the treehouse, and continued the lovemaking for two more rounds until Keira couldn't take it anymore her lower body was all numb.

She lay boneless across Arel's chest, feeling deliciously languid and satisfied.

He leaned her down on the bed, his mate was now sleeping soundly. laying down beside her, he tugged her into his embrace.

There was a glow of light spreading on Keira's chest. He turned his head and found a sudden mark slowly forming, revealing a golden dragon mate's mark imprinted on her.

Arel was stunned, his mind went blank at he saw it with his own eyes. Never thought that in his life he would have a mate, nor that his mate would have a mate's mark near her heart.

