A help from Nesneirhiel

On the continent of Nesneirhiel, a large magical land inhabited by various mystical creatures. Divided into many realms as the creatures are distributed into tribes according to their species, lifestyle, and habitat.

However not all creatures were pleased with being sociable, Some of them chose to live in solitude in their own realm since some creatures would bring disaster if they live in groups.



Deep in a realm on the far north of Nesneirhiel, located large mountains that were covered with thick snow and ice needles blizzards.

As the temperature of this place was below freezing point, Let's not talk about animals even a wooden stick has a hard time surviving in this climate..

Whether how unlivable this realm was, It was once a fertile land full of various plants and abundance. Especially those majestic mountains that were once covered in sparkling crystals gave a beautiful contrast to the lush green forest. Unfortunately, those beauties have been buried under the snow for centuries that they gradually died.

All of this happened because the owner of this realm was so carelessly sleeping for thousands of years causing the imbalance of power that turned the climate within the realm to instability.



In the midst of the endless blizzards, a bluebird flew through with great difficulty as its tiny body was trying to balance itself to steadily fly while avoiding those dreadful ice needles that came from the blizzards.

After the bird had dodged all the deadly ice, It finally approached the mountain and hurriedly headed to a cave in search of the person that Its master had ordered It to find.

The inside of the cave was so dark that not even a light could guide it, combined with the bone-chilling air made it doubtful what kind of creature would dare to live in such place.



"Hmm" The roar of someone inside the cave rang out "After such a long time He's still using you as a communication beast huh Bluebird?" he emphasized the words with his deep voice in the midst of the darkness, laughing in both amused and surprised by the visitor that he suddenly found in his cave.

"L..lord Rune" Bluebird stuttered as it flew in the air, daring not to land anywhere in this frozen cave "Master Arelis is looking for you" Bluebird hastily explained the reason it has disturbed his sleep.

".. Arelis" he repeated slowly "How long has it been since I heard this name hmm.. A long lost person" He sighed in displeased "Now tell me where he's been all these years" he asked as he moved his colossal body, causing a tremor in the cave.

Bluebird hurriedly back down from him "M..master Arelis is at the Elsmein Continent"

"Elsmein?" Rune raised his voice in surprise "Why would a golden dragon like him go to such a low and savage place" He breathed angrily "After I've hibernated for this long why the first place to go isn't somewhere better than that? Is it that hard just to find a good place to meet with an old friend?" Rune muttered with frustration.

"L..Lord Rune, Master Arelis has urgent matters to consult with you. Y-you should hurry up.." Bluebird stuttered, both afraid and worried as to why it had to be a communicator among these huge beasts.

Rune sighed wearily as he was annoyed with the place he had to go. If this wasn't for the sake of that golden dragon, he would never have accepted this journey.

"Fine.. I hope Arelis will welcome me well when I arrive" rune replied, as he moved his enormous body out of the cave, causing a tremor that shook the entire mountain.

"Lord Rune.. Y..you should transform into a male before the cave will collapses.." Bluebird worriedly suggested as it was afraid that if it told him a little later, Its tiny body might not be able to save Its life to fly back to Its master.

"Oh..is that so?" Rune asked as if forgetting that he could transform "Haa... It was so long ago that I forgot" He laughed embarrassedly, then slowly transformed and walked out of the cave followed by a bluebird.

The light from the sun shone on the entrance of the cave revealing a tall masculine figure with long emerald green hair, contrasting to the surrounding that was covered in thick white snow.

He sighed desperately as he narrowed his viridian eyes at the dreadful blizzard in annoyance. Then turned his face up to the sky, followed by his finger pointing to the horizon of the realm "Fus.." His deep voice cast the spell making the blizzard gradually stop.

"Last time I came out of the cave, the weather wasn't this bad" he blurted out, raising his eyebrows as he was amazed at how dead his realm becomes. he took a few steps on the thick snow while making a disappointed noise in his throat, acting like he didn't even know that all this happened was because of him.

The bluebird was relieved seeing that the weather was getting better and he didn't have to fly back through the blizzard and hurriedly turned to bow his head at rune as to say thanks.

Rune glanced at the bird with irritated eyes "Lead the way" he said curtly spreading his emerald dragon wings and soaring into the sky..

