MóriIthil Elder

He could barely contain his desire, signaled by semi-closed, almost 'bedroom' eyes, as he offered his hand to her. Seeing that she's still dazed, he continued, "Aren't you lost, my jewel?"

She switched her gaze between his hand and his enticing expression, before silently holding onto his arm. Being cautious won't help when she's trapped in this strange chieftain's freaking maze dome. No!.. She wouldn't put the blame on herself. Who among the sane would design a maze within their own home? Even path-recognition experts would struggle with this.

This time, she definitely won't be reckless. She had to stick absolutely close to him because the chief's dome proved too lethal for her limited intelligence, her life will surely end if she gets trapped in this maze again.

He smirked in satisfaction as he noticed how tightly she was holding onto his arm and how much she trusted him. But, the softness of her breasts was squeezing him and starting to arouse his crotch. Once again, he gritted his teeth and struggled to force it down. Obviously, the inattentiveness paired with her startled look was tempting him. Seeing how she was so careless made him even more possessive.

Although he wasn't sure why she'd come here, the fact that she'd come across the chief's trap suggested that it was more likely a coincidence rather than a deliberate move.

Following him in silence, she held on to his arm. Repeatedly, peeked at him as it was difficult to move her gaze away. Whenever she forced herself to take her eyes off of him, the warm, enigmatic scent lured her back and again diverted her. Not only did he hang her between fear and admiration, but also gave her the impression that she was steadily and evenly melting, as though he were the poison and she was the prey.

Yet her heart's beating rapidly, praying he won't feel it. Too embarrassing..

Till the light from the corridor gradually became brighter and signaled that they were getting close to the hall, she began questioning "What are you doing here?"

Instead, he should be the person who asked what she was doing here "I suppose I should ask you that question."

Clearing her throat, she grimaced, suppressing the twelve thousand feelings that were crashing over and over again on her head. "I have some business here," she replied.

From the corner of his eye, he observed her. "Business?" he asked, chuckling low, "That's got my attention. What sort of business led you to wander this far?" He paused his steps "Indeed, I was close. If not, it would be tragic how a pretty female like you'd be devoured by that door"

Keira gasped, "Devoured? Door?"

He smirked at how clueless she was. "Look around, Jewelline. Do you really believe that a chief who amassed priceless artifacts wouldn't create a trap? in case a pretty little thief like you happened to wander in."

His words and that sly expression made her heart flutter, causing her to turn her face away. "I was lost. How am I supposed to know if it's a trap?"

He playfully leaned forward and observed the little thief he had just caught. She appeared even more ethereal when her cheeks flushed. Who would mind a thief like her, he wondered? Once the victims saw her, he was sure that they would willingly offer all they had and even carry the items to her thief's booth.

Her face heated with embarrassment. Both from the shock that made her cling to him and also because he kept teasing her. She'd determined to stabilize herself, but it was all ruined, nothing remained from what she'd implemented so diligently.

"Let's move on, Riah," she pushed his arm, wanting him to stop teasing.

Hearing how she called him. His mercury eyes lit up, staring at her inscrutably. His pupils.. seemed like they were shrinking? and trembled as though they were repeatedly dilating and contracting.

As she drew closer to his face, she furrowed her brows and stared attentively at him. observing how his pupils trembled and his facial muscles twitched, appearing to be trying to restrain himself. They held each other's gaze for an improbable amount of time as an unexplainable sensation existed between them.

Till he overcame his emotions and his trembling pupils gradually returned to normal "Never forget what I asked you the first time we met, consider it while I still can.. control myself.." he said as he reached out to stroke her cheek. His solid tone remains unwavering throughout his entire sentence.

Keira couldn't grasp what had happened to him, but she decided that now wasn't the time to reflect. Instead, she prodded his arm and asked, "Are we close to the hall yet?" She reached her face out to check the corridor.

He nodded, offering his hand to her. When she held his arm attentively, he flashed a smile, content with her cuteness, before leading her to the hall.



There was a bustling noise up ahead. Draw their attention to the sound.

Seeing a female standing there yelling at a bunch of guards "Have you searched everywhere? Are you sure? Damn it, I really need to talk to my father about this. hey! I told you to search that way too!"

All the guards in the hallway flinched in terror at the sound of the familiar orange-haired female shouting. Such a strong, capable female.

Keira shouted and waved her hand excitedly when she realized it was Mag "Mag!!"

Mag abruptly turned her attention to the voice. Once she spotted her missing friend, a wide smile appeared on her fairy face, and started running straight at full speed without pausing. "Keira!! Where have you been? I was walking, and suddenly you disappeared into thin air. I was about to freak out! You scared the last wits out of me." Mag persisted in babbling, causing Keira to become immobile. She was worried that if she just took one small step, Mag would jump on her.

When Mag stopped, her gaze shifted to the male Keira was clinging to. Instantly, Mag's eyes widened, and she quickly signaled Keira to come over while bowing formally to the male.

Despite her confusion, Keira let go of his arm when she sensed Mag calling her. She tilted her head and whispered, "What?" as she moved closer.

"Pssst.. Keira, why did you come with him?" She moved Keira further away from him as she gazed at her with concern.

"He helped me out of a dead end in this crazy maze," Keira whispered.

"huh? You wandered that far!" Mag shouted, then quickly cupped her mouth to continue whispering, "Keira, that's so dangerous! It's my father's trap. He put a deadly trap in every dead end.. You could die! I'm not joking," she whispered, her eyes widening as she realized she'd nearly lost her new friend to a trap.

Mag's shocked expression caused Keira to be even more horrified. Now, they both widened their eyes and stared at each other with shocking shock.

Mag maintained her unbelievably wide eyes as she pressed her face even closer, whispering, "And why did you cling to him like that? Don't you know who he is?" Mag questioned while darting between Keira's two purple eyes.

"I was worried I would get lost again, so I stick close to him," she paused, "and who exactly is him though? I've been wondering about this the whole day," Keira whispered.

Mag peeked at the male and hastily averted her gaze "It's complicated, I've seen him since I was a cub, and he hasn't aged the slightest. He was like a sculpture that we have to avoid offending. My father told me he had great authority in this land, and we have to respect him without question. Though it's unclear who he is, we referred to him as the móriIthil elder."

