Come here boys

Pushing the door open, Keira left the lodge and walked straight into the crowd. She was so far distressed and wanted nothing more than to escape the wave of conflicting feelings that crashed on her mind.

His taste was still lingering on her tongue, and his intoxicated scent was still clear in her nostrils. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her head. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake off the memory of his touch and the way he made her feel.

Everything in him was consuming her, and he was well aware of it. Which made her feel even warier, as if he had access to her deepest desires.

It was risky to be close to him, she knew it from the start. How reckless she was to let her feelings slip this far!

Keira sucked in a big breath, anxiously chewing the inside of her cheek. Whatever happened, she couldn't afford to be distracted; her plan was.. and still, crystal clear, and she needed to focus on it.

She held her breath for a moment, trying to calm her nerves, and then exhaled slowly. With renewed determination, she took a step forward towards her stealing scheme.



Leaping up, she craned her head, staring at the many buildings for what seemed like two centuries, and her neck almost stiffened. Until she caught a glimpse of the largest dome, which was on the far side of where she was standing.

Quickly, Keira set off towards the dome. Though her path-recognition skill was rubbish, her eyes were keen. Eventually, she arrived at the tribe chief's dome.

Now the issue at hand was figuring out how to dodge the guard and break into the dome undetected.

There weren't many guards here, and she shouldn't cause a big fuss. so she decided to carefully observe the guard's routine before making any moves. She knew that one wrong step could ruin her entire plan.

Keira then crept around to an undetected corner of the dome, conjured her ring into a punching glove, and whistled to one of the guards.

Apparently all of them heard her, which wasn't in the cards, but she can't back down just yet. She stood there with her palm on her thigh, tugging her skirt up, revealing her silky leg, and waved at them when the guard looked this way.

'Come here boys' she winked at them, which spurred them to run faster.

Without further delay, Keira dove headfirst into the ambush. Seeing the first guard come closer, she grabbed his elbow, flipped his back facing her, and smacked him on the neck.

The guard stumbled, but was still conscious. Keira scowled since she was sure she struck him really hard, but it seemed like once wasn't enough. Without hesitation, she smacked him twice more in the same spot, finally knocking him to the ground.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she had to brace herself for the remaining guards that were heading this way.

She repeated the action, knocking down the remaining three guards. As Keira stood there, catching her breath, her hands were all shaking from using too much force.

The final guard, in particular, was solid. It took her six blows to bring him down. Even though she had planned carefully and worn a thick glove, Still, her hands were trembling to this extent. These beastmen really have tough skin.

Cautiously, she dragged their unconscious bodies into the shadow, hoping they won't wake up before she finished her mission.

Taking off her glove, her hand was swollen red, but thankfully all bones were still intact. She knew that time was of the essence and quickly got to work, carefully gazing at the now empty entrance, ready for her to break in.

With a deep breath, she conjured the glove back into a ring and quietly sneaked inside, scouring the corridor in search of a treasure tent.

Keira decided to begin searching rooms clockwise from this point. Without letting herself get lost again, she conjured the ring into a pen and marked on her arm every time she turned.

The circular corridor was quiet. Only the sound of her own breathing accompanied her. As she moved further, Keira carefully examined every nook and cranny, hoping to find a clue that would lead her to the treasure.

After walking and turning several times, she reached the first door. This door wasn't as huge as the soul-devouring door she'd encountered the last time she was here, but more like a regular door that was commonly used.

She tried to find the door latch, but there was no lock or other opening mechanism; it was completely solid. She tried pushing the door, but it didn't budge. Feeling frustrated, she groped on the surface, looking for some kind of key to open it.

After a few minutes of searching, her hand stumbled upon a small bump on the door. Taking a closer look, she noticed a tiny stone, colorless and glistening, pinned to the surface. She turned and pressed it, but the door remained unmoved. So she pulled out the stone. As if on linked signal, the door opened, creating a narrow opening for her to squeeze through.

Keira tugged the colorless stone into her bra and squeezed herself through the narrow crack.

She emerged on the other side, into a dimly lit room filled with a huge stack of treasures of all kinds. The air was thick with the scent of earthy and leather, and she could hear the chiming of unidentified objects.

Her mouth gaping as she took in the sight of enormous gems and gold chunks the size of basketballs scattered with various kinds of animal hides in unusually colored fur. If she were Indiana Jones, she would grab all of them and run. There was no doubt that she would become rich overnight.

In the meantime, her attention was drawn to a piece of hide. It resembled the scales of a reptile or some kind of fish, glistening with a turquoise shimmer.

It was strikingly beautiful, with perfectly even and glossy scales. Almost reaching out to touch it, she was distracted by the flash of a red light from the corner of her eye.

As she turned her head to see the source of the light, she realized that it was a damn red monster soul, and, adding to her tragedy, her fat thigh was touching it.

Shocked, she leapt out and dashed for the exit. Hastily squeezing through the door, she got out of the room just as the whole room exploded. If it was just one step slower, she'd have been crushed by that red crystal bar.

She shifted her gaze left and right along the corridor. The sound of the explosion must have alerted security.

This was a bad sign. Keira hurriedly retreated from that area and headed to the next room.

