Chapter 9

Shao Boya solemnly put down his bag and closed the door . He walked towards the bed and worriedly looked at his sister . Shao Yu is burning hot while shivering .

" Brother " Shao Yu weakly called out . She knew she's hot and doesn't want her brother to touch her skin but when her brother caressed her so carefully , Shao Yu couldn't help shedding tears .

" My head is so heavy . " She complained and shed tears after tears .

Shao Boya immediately wiped her face then calmly told her . " Don't cry , your headache will only intensify . Take a rest and drink glasses of water.  You will eventually get well . "

Shao Yu gulped and hicked up before nodding obediently . " My eyes are also hot , brother . "

" I know , i know . Close your eyes and take a rest . "

Shao Boya sat on the edge of the bed and caressed Shao Yu's cheeks worriedly .he tucked her inside the quilt before kissing her forehead . " I'll be back to get you a medicine ok? "

Hearing him , Shao Yu nodded . " Shao Yu will obediently wait . "

" That's right . " Shao Boya made his voice more gentler and run his fingers through the strands of her hair . " Brother will be back . "

Shao Yu nodded then slowly closed her eyes.  Shao Boya immediately stood up and entered the bathroom to get a basin and a clean towel .

He soaked the towel in a lukewarm clean water and slowly went back to Shao Yu's room to lay the towel on top of her forehead. 

" Drink some water . "

Shao Yu slowly sat up then opened her mouth as Shao Boya put the glass surface upon her lips . She gulped for a while before moving her head to the side . " I'm full . "

Shao Boya didn't forced her to drink all the water in the glass and just gently layed her back to the bed and put the glass beside the basin on the desk at the side . He slowly squeezed both of his cheeks with his palm and kissed her nose.  " Sleep "

A small tear slowly flowed down from Shao Yu's eyes before quickly fading as her breathing turned calm and fell into a deep sleep .

Shao Boya released a big sigh and worriedly stared at Shao Yu's sleeping face . He pondered for a while before walking towards his room and rummage through the cabinet . He suddenly paused then stared at a certain thing.

He unwillingly picked it up and slowly sat down . " Mom's still busy and i don't have any money on my hands right now . "

" But i have to buy medicine for Shao Yu . She said she has a headache . "

Shao Boya released another sigh again and began opening his money bank . He unwillingly took out three bills in fear that it will not be enough to buy the medicine then slowly closed the mini money bank again .

The boy then could be seen running away from the village and went to a nearest pharmacy . Unfortunately , the boy was stopped when he wants to step inside .

" Boy , kids aren't supposed to play inside . " Said the guard .

Shao Boya still has a red flush on his cheeks from running as he panted rapidly to catch air . The rim of his eyes turned rim and stared pitifully at the guard . " But I'm not playing "

" Then go back to your house and play with your friends . " The guard answered coldly .

The boy sniffed then sobbed pitifully . " But i have no friends too . "

The guard choked up on his own air and coughed . " Then .... What are you doing here? "

Sho Boya sniffed again then cutely wiped his non-existent mucus before blinking his pair of sharp yet attractive monolided eyes . " My baby sister is sick . "

The guard nodded then gently asked the boy . " So you want to enter to buy medicine for your baby sister? "

" En " the boy cutely nodded .

The guard slowly turned around and flinched when he saw a pharmacist peeping at them through the glass secretly . " Ma'am? What are you doing there? "

The pharmacy assistant smiled then looked at the charming little guy before beckoning him to enter the pharmacy . The guard watched as the boy timidly blinked his eyes and cautiously entered while occasionally giving him glances .

He could even hear the words the boy's eyes are conveying .

- will the guard beat me if i follow the white lab coated people? -

- he looks so scary~ I'm so afraid . -

Seeing such a weak person fearing you would make a guard like him to feel proud pf his intimidation skills giving a narcissistic thought about his combat skills .

Just most average people would feel proud once they surpassed the top students once in an exam , they would immediately compare their scores proudly .

It is only natural , Shao Boya deliberately act that way to loosen the guard's guard against him . When he saw that the assistant got attracted by his looks . He didn't stop his act and bit his lower lip as he stepped inside .

She slowly hold the assistant's hands as the assistant gently held it and crouched down to stare with him . " Such a good brother , you really run here from a far just to buy a medicine for your sister? "

Shao Boya silently nodded but it came out cute in the eyes of the pharmacist assistant . Sending thrill to her heart . " But where is your mom? Does your mom knows that your baby sister is sick? "

Shao Boya began shedding tears again at the word ' sick ' then slowly shook his head . " Nope , mom is busy making money . Mom is far away for now , baby is staying inside the house . We're sensible and doesn't ho out often and we don't have any friends to go with . "

" I don't know what to do so i ran in here . " 

A look of pity flashed upon the countenance of the pharmacist assistant then gently wiped the boy's tears. " Tell me what is your baby sister feeling right now . "

Shao Boya calmed down then list out what Shao Yu said earlier . " She has a terrible headache.  "

" She also said she's really tired.  Her eyes are watery . She also has runny nose and often complained about it . But I'm more worried about her fever , she's really hot. "

The pharmacist asked more questions before sighing in relief.  " Your baby sister is only having a small cold . " The pharmacist then went to the counter to get a bottle of decongestant for kids and some over the counter medicines for kids . " You can read right? Follow the instructions and feed your baby sister . Don't worry , your sister doesn't have a big big big illness ok? "

The pharmacist said a lot more words before kindly letting the boy ask him a few more questions before releasing him . In the end , with his charms , Shao Boya exited the pharmacy with a bottle of medicine without even paying for it. 

Before getting out , Shao Boya gave the pharmacist assistant a kiss on the cheeks .

The pharmacist doctors at the side gave envious glares at the assistant before smilingly watched the boy trotting back hugging boxes of medicines and a small piece of paper. 

The doctors muttered to the assistant . " Sly fox "

But who would have thought that the real fox was actually the boy just now . Not only he got medicine for his sister , he even made connection with the pharmacy .

As for the three bills? It went back all the way to its own home .

The mini money bank .


A low key sedan slowly parked at the school's park . The glass then slowly turned down as a handsome middle aged man wearing black sunglasses silently looked at the attractive woman selling at the kids with a warm smile .

" Is that Lu Meifeng? " The man muttered and slowly clenched his fist .

" Feng'er , what happened to you to become so thin . "

Lu Meifeng warmly sent the kids away and started arranging her tools back into a black back and arranged the stall first before wiping her sweat . A warm smile flashed upon her face before eagerly walking back to the village. 

But somehow ... She felt that somebody's following her ..

She suddenly stiffened as her back turned cold .

- there's no way they would find her at this time! I've been hiding in this humble village for how many years .. how could ... How could they find me here when I didn't even used my phone? Who?!!! Who reported my location!!!!. -

Although Lu Meifeng is panicking inside . She maintained a calm shell outwardly . She deviated a path then went to a small road not letting the car to follow her .

On the other side , the middle aged man immediately exited the car and was about to run to the woman but she suddenly disappeared in the crowd .

Where did she go?

The man angrily kicked at the wall and crouched down . " Feng'er!!! "

Lu Meifeng run back to her house while taking detours before returning to her house with cold fingers .

- shit!!! Shit!!!-

Their life's going downhill again now that they caught a clue about her location . They have to transfer again .

The door opened , Lu Meifeng entered and put down her heavy bag before slumping tiredly at the wooden sofa . Shao Boya came out pf Shao Yu's room with a spoon and climbed down .

" Mom , you're back . "

Lu Meifeng sat up then beckoned to her son . Shao Boya obediently strode to her . Lu Meifeng released a stressed sigh and hugged her son tightly .

There's no way she's going back to that place again . They are already comfortable living together without those two leeches .

" Son , you have to grow up and protect us . Ok? "

Shao Boya's eyes flashed with determination.  " Yes , mom . I'll make you proud . "

Lu Meifeng teared up and caressed her son's face before squeezing his soft cheeks fondly . She kissed her cheeks , nose and forehead before hugging him again .

" Cuddle with mom for now ok? Mom's so tired . "

Shao Boya nodded - I'm also tired . -

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