Chapter 27

Lu Meifeng immediately pulled her hands out of Yi Meilin's hands and scratched the back of her right hand in awkwardness. Her feelings towards Yi Meilin are complicated, and she couldn't find herself to forgive Yi Meilin this time.

Five years had already passed and Lu Meifeng's emotional injuries had already healed. Nevertheless, they left a scar on her heart and she couldn't forget those memories so easily.

She knew that Yi Meilin isn't a perfect man. He has his own doubts too, but it was just too painful for her that when she was in pain and in depression, Yi Meilin doubted her and even added another layer of weight on her heart.

He didn't choose to believe in her but instead doubted her.

Their relationship have lasted for a long time, but she could still remember how insecure and jealous this guy was.

He was immature, insecure and full of inferiority complex.

Yi Meilin was never the perfect man that every women in their school thought he was.

He was handsome, smart and wealthy, he looks perfect on the surface, but in fact... He was not.

When Lu Meifeng and Yi Meilin got together in highschool. Lu Meifeng was always attacked by the scornful remarks of Yi Meilin's die hard fans.

Envy, scorn, hatred, criticism. She had recieved a lot of them in the past. Yi Meilin protected her from them but their words would still reach her ears.

Both of them are full of insecurities.

Some people thought that she was really lucky to get a guy like Yi Meilin as her boyfriend and some people also thought they were a perfect couple. When in fact, they were not.

Sheng Yunfei, she was the one who was arranged by Old Yi to be engaged with Yi Meilin.

Yi Meilin and her, however at that time already had Shao(Yi) Boya and Shao Yu in her stomach.

When Sheng Yunfei found her with her slightly round stomach. Sheng Yunfei was full of jealousy and hatred. 

She immediately denounced her children as something that were not Yi Meilin's seeds, especially her baby Yi(Shao) Yu.

Sheng Yunfei also said to the whole school that Lu Meifeng had been secretly cheating on Yi Meilin with Yi Meilin's best friend, who has a foreigner blood.

That kind of rumor rippled the lake on Yi Meilin's heart,  which had just calmed down

Lu Meifeng and Yi Meilin's relationship cracked and Yi Meilin's mind had started to be poisoned because of the rumors and false accusations.

She was one of Yi Meilin's die hard fans before and she had always pestered Yi Meilin despite him being with her(LMF) already. It caused a rumor to spread when someone saw Yi Meilin having another woman following after him, calling him out with an affectionate voice.

Lu Meifeng was still young... And she had Shao(Yi) Boya at the age of 17.

When she had Shao Boya, Lu Family immediately wanted her to abort, but she refused and reassured them that Yi Meilin will take responsibility.

They had also decided to marry, they were just too young, once they reached pass 18, they will marry.

At the age of 19, Lu Meifeng and Yi Meilin were ready to be engaged and marry right after, but that was the start of Sheng Yunfei's crazy attacks.

Sheng Yunfei severely criticized Lu Meifeng how b*tchy and sl*tty she was for having two babies at a very young age. Sheng Yunfei falsely accused that Lu Meifeng was desperate for money and wanted Lu Family's status to rise higher with Yi Family's status and reputation.

She called Lu Meifeng a gold digger and her intentions are impure.

She even pointed at Shao(Yi) Boya, who was still a baby, that he was her bastard, and Shao(Yi) Boya doesn't look similar to Yi Meilin at all, and even scarily bore the resemblance of Yi Meilin's best friend.

When an idea was planted, everyone naturally formed an illusion that the baby indeed looked similar to Neil, who was a curly blonde haired man.

Yi Meilin has straight hair and Lu Meifeng has straight hair too.

Because of this, Yi Meilin was angered and formed an idea that Lu Meifeng had indeed cheated on her with Neil, his best friend.

Yi Meilin had completely forgotten that Lu Meifeng had once ironed her hair flat and that Lu Meifeng once had a wavy hair.

It was all a misunderstanding, but it caused chaos on Lu Meifeng's life.

So Ridiculous.


Looking at Shao Yu who looked a lot like Yi Meilin. Yi Meilin felt ridiculous in his heart and mocked himself for being so mentally weak.

He had actually doubted Lu Meifeng's pregnancy with Shao(Yi) Yu when he was the one who impregnated her without any protection (condom). So Ridiculous..


Yi Meilin held dozens of bag in his hand and turned to look at the silent boy guarding beside Shao Yu. When Shao Yu was about to put a toy car in the cart, Shao Boya immediately put it back in the shelf.

Shao Yu stumped her feet on the ground and picked a remote control airplane but Shao Boya immediately shook his head in refusal.

Shao Yu insisted and pulled the cart out of Shao Boya's hand and pushed it away from Shao Boya.

" You can't refuse brother!!!" Said the little girl with her milky voice while tiptoeing, trying her hard to reach the handle on the cart.

" Shao Yu, don't be stubborn. " Shao Boya warned and stepped forward to hold the cart which was on the verge of overturning.

Shao Yu wore an unpleasant expression and glared at her brother.

But then, her expression suddenly softened and her eyes gradually turned watery.

Shao Boya turned her head in her direction when he suddenly heard sniffing and sobbing sounds and saw his younger sister looking at him with a pair of poor puppy eyes.

The usually indifferent guy immediately coughed and turned his head to the side, not daring to look at the painful-heart-inducing-pitiful-puppy-eyes of Shao Yu.

" Gege.. " a trembling poor voice called out. (Get=brother)

The little girl was holding a box of remote controlled airplane while looking at the back of the taller boy.

The boy refused to look at her as he put back all the toys(for boys) into the shelf while not touching any of the feminine toys(for Shao Yu).

" Gege, YuYu just wanted to play with you! "

" Gege! Don't put them all back! "

" Uwaaah, gege is bad, gege is bad!!! "

Hearing Shao Yu's childish remarks, Shao Boya massaged his temple in annoyance.

Shao Yu softly tugged at Shao Boya's clothes and hugged Shao Boya. " YuYu wants to play with Gege, please don't return them back. " Pleaded by the little girl while still holding on the box of airplane stubbornly.

Shao Boya couldn't refuse anymore and reluctantly nodded. He then said with a gentle voice. " I'll put these all back into the shelf, except that box in your arms. Are you satisfied now?"

Shao Yu sniffed and the mucus was immediately wiped by the considerate big brother.

" Don't cry... You made me look like a bully. "

" You're indeed a bully, don't try to deny it. "

" Alright, I'm a bad guy. "

Shao Yu wiped her nose and then hurrumped. She gave the 'bully' a 'death'(cute) glare, and smirked(pouted) as she put the box into the cart with a satisfied (smug) smile.

The small kid was extremely satisfied that she won against her brother with her strong(cute) and domineering (spoiled) charms.

Lu Meifeng subconsciously smiled, helpless and at the same time happy to watch her children's interaction.

She proudly thought to herself, she had raised them very well.

No no, her children are just innately a pair of angels. They are born that way.

Looking at the cart which is not yet full. Yi Meilin asked. " Are these all what you guys wanted? "

Shao Boya nonchalantly nodded his head while Shao Yu vigorously shook her head.

Yi Meilin asked Shao Yu. " What is it that you want to add, Yu'er? "

Shao Yu immediately dragged Yi Meilin towards the school supply section and pointed at the shelf which contained art materials. " I want to buy gege's best friend a gift. "

Shao Boya standing beside Shao Yu immediately jolted. " What best friend? Who has a best friend? "

Lu Meifeng touched her cheeks and recalled the cute guy who always followed after Shao Boya and had sparkling eyes everytime he looks at Shao Boya. " Does  Yu'er mean your Lin gege? "

Shao Boya frowned. " Lin GenXin is not my friend. "

Shao Yu immediately nodded. " That's right! I want to buy Lin gege some painting materials. I heard that Lin Gege wants to try water color painting and oil pastel."

Shao Boya immediately shut up and decided to no longer interfere with Shao Yu's actions, she's so willful and full of ideas that he could no longer cope up with her actions.


He doesn't like it that Yi Meilin was the one who's paying all of this.

Shao Boya clenched his fist and vowed to himself that he would earn more money in order to not let this arrogant man have any chances of showing off his wealth to Shao Yu and mother.

" Bo'er, do you have anything you want to buy? " Asked Yi Meilin as he stood beside the curly haired boy.

Shao Boya shook his head coldly. " None "

Shao Yu heard their conversations and immediately nodded to Yi Meilin. " Yes!!! Gege especially wants to read mathexalishu.. how do you pronounce that again brother? "

" Mathematics " Shao Boya coldly answered..

Shao Yu nodded. " Ahh right, Mathemateks. "

Yi Meilin's eyes bent at Shao Yu's funny pronunciation and laughed as he couldn't help rubbing Shao Yu's hair..

" Since your brother likes books, then I'll have my steward send all nephew's old books to him. I'll also let him have Shao Boya borrow his notes and let Shao Boya read all of them.."

Shao Boya immediately shook his head. " No need "

Yi Meilin just smiled and ignored Shao Boya's refusal.

Shao Boya gave Yi Meilin a cold glance and thought to himself..

No wonder Shao Yu was so willful..

It was actually inherited.