Chapter 6: {No Floaters Here, Except Hearts}

For some reason, my school has an eye scanner. Might be due to all the sports to check kids eyes I guess. Korean taxes pay for a lot of stuff that sound like they make no sense until they do. Nurse Jin was already told what was going on by Mrs. Lim.

"What does this do?" Jugyeong asked. I guess she's never had her eyes checked in her life.

"It's an eye camera, also why are you here anyway, you his girlfriend?" the nurse asked. She's old, single, and cranky so that doesn't surprise me one bit why she's irritable. I've been here more times than you can count. Hence why I know.

"No, I'm his girl friend."

"That makes more sense." Then Nurse Jin looks at me. Rude. It is accurate, but still rude.

Nurse Jin then tells me, "Okay stick your head in here, stare at the green light, and keep your eyes open."

After about 15 minutes of waiting, the pictures finally rendered into a 3D model.

"There are no floaters. You're probably hallucinating. I'll send this to an optometrist because I dunno what lymphoma looks like." Nurse Jin says.

"So it could be cancer?" Jugyeong and I ask the old Nurse.

I start to stare at Jugyeong. I suddenly can't hear clear, it's all muffled, it might be selective hearing.

"That or he has temporary or full blown psychosis. Maybe PTSD. Only realistic explanations if not floaters. Though it could be something else." the nurse says.

I turn my head back to Nurse Jin and then I can suddenly hear clear. Right after she said cancer I couldn't hear her well, it was muffled. That's weird, man my selective hearing is getting worse, must be that I was staring at Jugyeong too focused.

"Those are all bad right?" Jugyeong asks.

"The least bad is the temporary." the nurse says.

"I'd recommend you go to a psychiatrist and I'll send this to an optometrist for review Hyun. It might be from all the times you've been hit. Or you might have to use hemp oil or smoke weed for the rest of your life. Not sure though."

"Okay." I tell her.

I didn't pay attention to half of what she said because I couldn't. I didn't care anyway though.

It's because I know this is a test from the system. They don't know that I'm OP.

{DPHM thinks: I know you're not, Oh wait! I FORGOT TO BERATE HIM! Man this dude's psychosis is out of wack. The very fact that I exist and that he doesn't pay attention to me even though I'm literally talking in his mind unless it does a pop up shows just how serious his psychosis is. I don't want him to go nuts right now in front of probably the only pretty girl he has a chance with. I'll just say this to him to keep him in line.}

{You know you're not OP Hyun}

"But I will be!" I say in my mind.

{I doubt it because you're a dumb pathetic helpless moron}

"Rude." I tell it.

"You two can go now. Class is gonna end. Just come back tomorrow morning Hyun." Nurse Jin tells us.

We leave.

"How did you like skipping English class Jugyeong?" I ask her.

"It was great, thanks dude! I was getting bored out of my mind." she replies.

"And me potentially having cancer is less boring to you?"

"At least it's the funny eye cancer."

"Cancer is Cancer."

"Whatcha doin today later?"

"Going to the gym."


"Yeah and?"

"If you can do it for a month I'll commend you."

"Gee thanks."

"He shoulda taken the hint! Hmph. I wanted him to ask me out today! Yeah he's fat, but that's fixable, especially since he's doing it on his own and no one's making him. I like his personality. You know what they say, "Dating a bro is big brain if they're the opposite gender."" Jugyeong said in her mind

"Man she's so cute, and an oppurtunist." I say in my mind.

{Don't even think about it, you have a chance with her, but not now}

"You're such a killjoy DPHM." I tell it.

{And you're a dreamer. Why don't you try and get that skill anyway.}

"It's useless."

{Oh well, if you start to suffer at night it's your fault pig}

We make it back to class.

"You were only supposed to take him in case a truck were to be outside on the concrete and then come back, you missed most of the period today!" Mrs. Lim said (in English).

(Also in English), "You do realize I'm only in this class because all the seats in Advanced English were filled right?" Jugyeong replied very sassily.

"You have a point."

That's the Jugyeong I know. If this were in public she'd of kicked her.


"Okay get out of here class." Mrs. Lim said.

My other classes aren't important, yeah they have Jun in them, but I'm in class before he gets to beat me up.

Skip two classes to lunch.

"Hey everyone wassup." I say.

"Bro. are you alright? Is it true you might be able to legally puff a blunt? AND YOU'RE WORKING OUT! WHAT HAPPENED TO HYUN?" Suho asks.

"He's trying to better himself. And yeah I'm curious. Can you legally puff a blunt yet?" Dowoon asks while kicking my shin and looking at Jugyeong.

"Not yet. But it's a possibility. I doubt it though." I say. I mean it's true, it's a possibility I have cancer in my eyes. You never know. My grandma DID have lymphoma. But I know the floaters are just the system.


I get kicked in the shin by Dowoon again.

"Check your texts." he says.

"Jugyeong told us she went with you, did you ask?" he sent me.

"No. She told me she just wanted to skip class." I reply.

"She definitely has at least a hint of feelings for him. A shame they're both clueless as heck. If not me dating Jugyeong, I'd cheer them on. That's what I'm doing right now lol. My man's kinda ugly but most teens are ugly due to acne. He's fat, but I've seen LEAGUES worse. Also I'd just love to see the stares. Jugyeong is borderline supermodel levels of attractive and them dating would be fun just to see butthurt beta males get jealous. XD." Dowoon said in his mind.

"Sometimes, I wonder what goes on in that gnoggin of yours Dowoon." Suho told him.

"I don't have to wonder about what goes on in your head Suho. All that's in there is modelling, food, money, cars, joking around, and more food." Dowoon shot back.

"I know I'm simple, but still man, that hurt. Jk that was good hahaha!"

That either actually hurt Suho or he thought it was funny. Probably both to be honest.

We ate and messed around.

"Forgot to ask bro, you got pictures of your modelling gig? I wanna see how edgy they made you look!" I told Suho.

"Bro they made me look hella edgy, but money's money y'know?" he replied.

He showed us.

"Dude you look like you got dumped and went to your e-boy phase." Jugyeong told him trying not to laugh.

"1.2 million won's 1.2 million won."

"That's fair though."

"Hey y'all, how about Bad Blue Bird for dinner tonight? My treat, except the drinks and sides. Just paying for y'all's burgers. As a celebration for me having had my first gig and my going to have my second." Suho said.

"Second?" I ask him.

"They want me back." he replied.

"What time?" Jugyeong and I ask at the same time.

"7 pm."

"Works for me. Gives me time for homework and Taekwondo practice." Jugyeong said.

"Me too. Gives me time to work out and shower and do homework." I say.

"Well I got my date with Hyun after all. Hehehe." Jugyeong said in her mind.

"Look at how she's staring at him, she definitely is thinking about him. Rooting for you both. I like Jugyeong, but just her looks. I like a ton of girls. Let's just hope they're not going to be cringy and dense for much longer." Dowoon said in his mind.

After lunch we went to class and finished out the school day.