{Chapter 12: Billiards, Bird Chirping, And Rooster Crowing}

We decided that to round out our last 2 hours of "fun" (more like embarrassing feelings) that we should play billiards for 3 rounds and then do a bit of karaoke.

{Dangit Hyun! You already did your next mission in advance. I'm gonna have to make an even HARDER mission next}

"How the..." I think.

{It was to start dating Jugyeong. Take this +10 CHM stat and 5 skill points and quit thinking for today.}

"That's impossible?"

{Just go play billiards you idiot! I need to torture you next mission so bad, you'd wish this was it!}

"Fine. Just stop cockadoodledooing in my head."

{The feeling is mutual}

Meanwhile in Jugyeong's mind...

He's talking to himself. It's normal right? I do it, but in my head. I don't know what he's talking about but it looks like he's talking to another person. Maybe he's prepping himself on how to teach me?

(Back to Hyun)

{Jugyeong is just as dense as you are}

"That's random." I say to DPHM.

{Sorry that took a while to load}

I go to Jugyeong to teach her how to play billiards.

"So first off you break the triangle. Like this." I say while breaking the triangle.

"Okay. That's the one thing I know." she says.

"Now here's how to shoot. You can make a circle or a check mark, but the stick goes in between your thumb and index finger. I know you're left handed, so you're right hand is the straightener. Like this. And look! If you get a ball in first. That's your suit and that's what you play with. My suit is solids. It's my turn again since I got a ball in. I missed, so it's your turn."

"Wait wuh? I'm confused."

"Shoot the striped balls into the cup."


She gets a ball in.

"I go again right?" she asks.


She gets on a streak...

Of 7. She literally swept me.

"You knew how to play billiards didn't you?" I ask her.

"Nah, just the angling isn't as annoying as VR Gridiron Ball, especially since I play Quarterback and without having to calculate parabolas in 2-5 seconds." she replies.

"So it was just easy."


We play one more game. I beat her.

"I wanna do karaoke now!" Jugyeong said.


"Do ya not wanna sing? Come on! Let's do it Hyun!" Jugyeong says winking and licking her both her lips like she's looking at some delicious food. She looked so hot doing that...

"Okay." Let's just say my capillaries had a lot of blood flow...

She grabs my arm and drags me by it close to her.

My capillaries probably have double the blood flow.

{You need to go to jail Hyun. You're not even officially dating yet! At this rate, I give y'all two weeks, 3 months tops with the way you're thinking.}

"I wasn't thinking anything!" I say to DPHM.

{You may not be thinking but remember, being in your brain I have access to all your brain signals. You need to go to jail IMMEDIATELY!}

"I hate you!" I tell DPHM.

{Pfffft! You said that out loud! Roflol XD!}

"What?" Jugyeong said.

"I was saying that I hate myself."

"Why? You literally have me to talk to. Come on." She says while we enter our karaoke room. We pay after which i find interesting.

"I can't believe how dense I am. The bullying is hell to deal with, and I hate how long it took me to decide to lose weight. I can't go to college either, since a D is considered passing, I can't retake my D classes to get a better grade."

"Think about it Hyun, you're doing something about it NOW and that's all that matters. I can't go to college either and I'm training to get my butt kicked by a 300 pound girl. I'm also just as dense as you are. We all got our problems... Now let's sing! I call dibs first!" She hugged me while crushing my back with her strong legs. Note to self, tell her not to do that.

{Nice save. Can't deny. You turned that into a heart to heart and that's commendable. Take this skill point and shut up!}

I haven't heard Jugyeong sing in like 5 years. I don't remember if she's tone deaf or not. I'm about to find out...

She starts with a song called "I Need You." We decided that we'd do two each turn.

Then a song called "White Nights".

Jugyeong likes weird trippy or ear-splitting music. These songs are metal/house/k-pop fusion songs. I like weird music as much as the next guy, but dang these songs are EXTREMELY weird.




Also I forgot that she sucks at singing...

{Dang Hyun, she sings like a bird with throat cancer chirping, but it comes out weird due to the massive tumor in it's throat}

"How would you know..." I ask, IN MY HEAD THIS TIME.

{I don't, but you get my point}


"Okay Hyun, you're turn!" Jugyeong tells me.

"Alright time to bring out the classics that I only understand half of what they're saying."

I sing "Not Ever Gon' Give You Up"

Now, if you've seen the pattern of singers, you know that the best singers are either buff, blind, or fat. Mostly blind and/or fat.

"I didn't remember how you sang. You can carry a tune I tell you!" Jugyeong tells me.

"I'm fat, most fat people can sing because we like opening our mouths more than other people." I reply while dying hard laughing.

{That was pretty bad}

Jugyeong starts dying.

{The hell? She's into that kind of dumb humor?}

"Here's the thing DPHM, Jugyeong may be be a beautiful 17 year old girl, but her mind's the equivalent of a 15 year old boy." I tell it in MY MIND.

{That explains a LOT honestly}

Next I sing in Chinese (I don't understand any of this) "Xue Hwe Qiao Qiao".

Jugyeong just immediately starts rolling on the floor because I'm singing it good, and it's a popular meme song.

"Pfff! Man you can sing it with a straight face. I can just imagine the bald dude's head right now!" Jugyeong says.

"You really like dumb memes, hence why I chose them." I reply.

"Wanna do a song together?"

"What song?"

"The Deep End"

"Astronaut in the Chasm?"

"No, The Deep End by Annoy Me K? and Stephanie Gaesler"

"Oh that song? You do the rapping Jugyeong."

"Do you not like my singing?"

"You talk faster than I do."

"Okay true that dude does rap superrrrrrrrrr fast."

"Trading genders on a karaoke sesh ain't weird."

"True. Let me go live on Instargraf real quick!"

"Just this ONE song."

"If we get 1000 likes I'll give you a kiss."

"It's not like you don't wanna do it either."

"750 then."

"Thank God for my negotiating skills."

"You're not that good!"

"Good enough to convince you!"

"That's because I love you."

"Wonder how long it'll last."

"As long as you're not gonna cheat, gamble, do felonies, or be abusive, I could give less of a crap."

"Likewise here honestly. I don't wanna get shotgun kicked."

"Lol. Okay 3. 2. 1. and we're live!"

We sing. And let's just say, Jugyeong is 30X better at rapping since she's doing the same note over and over. Girl talks faster than a Puerto Rican, I know, my cousins are half Puerto Rican and they speak English, Spanish, and Korean all equally as fast and I can't understand them most of the time.

"Thanks for watching!" She says then she kisses me in front of everyone, tongue and all and ends the livestream.

"Hell yeah that was fun!" Jugyeong said.

"That was fun!" I reply.

"It's 12 pm! Your shift starts at 1 right?"

"Yeah I gotta go, I'll walk you home, it's on the way."

"Nah I'm borrowing my Dad's car, he's watching Association Football, probably having his once a week spurt of downing a 4 pack of beer. You know I only like Gridiron, F1, and Fighting as my sports, he was all like "Just don't break it or crash." so yeah I got the car today. I'll drop you off."


Jugyeong's dad makes huge bank as an inbound closer while being an author on the side. The dude works like 20 hours a week and rakes in like $250,000 USD a year. Her Mom's a Professional Taekwondo Fighter as well. I don't know how much she makes, she's only home like twice a week apparently.




"Thanks for dropping me off." I say.

"Hey give me a kiss, what the hell!" Jugyeong going to the extreme.

"You want me to go in with max blood in my capillaries don't you!"

"It was like that all day now come on!"

"You looked down?"

"You know how I am."

"Okay fair."

We kiss for a bit and she drops me off at work.

"What the hell son? Y'all dating now? Impossible." My dad says after seeing me come out of the car.

"Was it really impossible though?" Jugyeong snaps at him.

"There was a 5 percent chance in my mind."

"Then that means I've defied the odds dad." I say.

"Dang though, that's a pretty good comeback not gonna lie." my dad says.

"Bye Jugyeong!" I say.

"Bye Hyun!" she replies.

I go to get ready to start work...