Chapter 21: {Sangah and Suho's Date Pt. 1}

(In Suho's perspective)

I've never thought that I would accept a date with a girl. I mostly just never thought I'd have the time, I've also just never liked any girls. I mean I am a teenage boy don't get me wrong, I do LIKE girls in that way. I just never thought I'd actually DATE a girl. Not because I never thought I'd be able to land one, believe me, I KNOW I'm a 9.5. I could probably ask out most single girls my age and land myself a date. I just never thought I WOULD. I've never been romantically attracted PERIOD. So when Sangah, a girl I knew for like 20 minutes, asks me out on whim? I just said why not. And immediately both regretted it and was intrigued at the same time. I go by my word. I make my yes mean yes. Even if I can't do it that day and if it's late, I'll do all I can to make my yes mean yes whenever possible.

It's Sunday and I'm going on a date with this girl. She's cute. Not like Jugyeong or Xochitl levels, but she's attractive.

Even then, I 99% wouldn't accept a date from a girl as pretty as them, it was this girl's personality that drew me. When it comes to looks my standards are, as long as she's at least like 5% above average, it's fine.

This girl's personality is a real kicker though.

She's a firecracker! Not like Jugyeong firecracker. She's not hyper. She's just really social and busy while also being very hardheaded. She has this very firm personality while also being really laid back. She's pushy, but not an overbearing type of pushy. She gets things done. That might be why I like her. If it's too complicated, I don't get things done unless I say I will. This girl is very simple though, like me. We have been texting for A WHILE. Like during lunch I'm texting her, in class sometimes, at home, we've called. Like we have a connection, the only question is, is that it?

I get ready for our date, I have some designer clothes from my 2 recent photo shoots that they let me keep. I never thought I'd wear these again, like really, I NEVER THOUGHT I'D WEAR THESE AGAIN. I was going to donate them to Okaywill, or sell them on Mercuri, but never got around to it.

I was debating on putting on a Canadian Tuxedo (Denim on denim), but decided that I should just roll with a hoodie and jeans instead. I put on my magnetic earrings (earrings that you don't need to get pierced for, but instead, you get these two weird looking magnets with an earring attached), I thought it was too much, but I needed a little something. I mean yeah it's casual, BUT IT IS A DATE. So I go asymmetrical just for the fun of it.

(In Sangah's perspective)

I never thought that I'd be so pushy and ask out a guy I barely know. He seemed hesitant at first, which is a good sign. It means that he thought about it for a second that's good. Honestly, I mostly just asked him out because uh, if you haven't seen this man, you wouldn't know what you're missing. Talking to him though, was fun surprisingly. He's a model (which makes sense), he's also very confident in himself (that's an understatement). Like you can tell this guy has an ego. I normally don't like that, but this guy seems like the type to carry that ego not like a badge, but more like an ornament on a tree, a piece to the overall puzzle. I asked him to the indoor zoo nearby, it's REALLY expensive to get in, thankfully, my mom works there, and she gets 2 free tickets a month and they can be used whenever, we had like 10 at home lying around so I wanted to just make a dent into those tickets. I should just give the rest away to some people. Maybe I'll send a couple Hyun's way, maybe give some to Suho to give away. These tickets are normally like 150000 won a pop. My mom is here like 6 days a week and my dad has been here a LOT with my mom when they dated, let's just say he had enough of this place to last a lifetime.

While getting ready, I don't have anything particularly expensive to go in so I just put on a skirt and blouse and jacket with a tie. It's nothing fancy, but this place we're going to IS fancy, for a zoo anyway.

(Back to Suho)

She decided that we go to an indoor zoo of all places. What I didn't realize, is that this place is boujee as HELL.

"Ugh, how much is it?" I ask Sangah.

"Don't worry, my mom gets free tickets all the time, it's free for us." she says.

"Just so you know I'm buying you lunch no ifs ands or buts about it, this place looks EXPENSIVE and the fact you got these tickets are crazy. Look at that sign, it says these tickets are 150000 won, that's half what Hyun makes in tips on Sundays."

"Lots of extremely rare and endangered animals are being preserved in confinement here so they don't go extinct."

"This is gonna be exciting."

"I haven't been in like 3 years, I only remember like 5 animals, so I'm pretty much fresh."

"So it's not gonna be boring for you?"


"Where should we start?" I ask.

"The fish exhibit is the one with the most endangered animals."

"Like what?"

"Of the 5 animals I remember here, the goldfish with that tumor looking thing on it's head."

"Oh those? Let's see em."

We go to the fish exhibit, let's just say some of these endangered fish are freaky.

It starts off with just the small tanks in the walls.

Then there's this underpass to the reptile exhibit...

It's a literal tank surrounding us.

"Are you sure these won't break?" I ask Sangah.

"It's Plexiglass. Don't be such a big baby."

There's this large post throughout the center that tells you what fish are in there like the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna and Beluga Sturgeon. Very expensive animals. Bluefins go for more than a million USD for the whole thing, I know, I tried.

When we get to the reptile exhibit, waitresses hand us a drink.

"We're not twenty yet." Sangah says.

"It's virgin sangria. You're mom told me to serve you this." The waitress replies.

"Oh thanks."

"They usually give wine, my mom works here." Sangah said.

"Is that why you get in for free?" I replied.

"Yeah it's cool. They really updated everything though. The decor is nice."

"You into decor like this? Me too."

"The elegant modernity and the post-industrial iron benches really work well."

"You know your stuff."

"My dad's an interior designer, most metrosexual looking man in all existence."

"I see. So like me."

"Yeah, but you're less."


We chat about random stuff and drink our sangria on a bench before staring at the endangered reptiles and stuff.

(In Sangah's perspective now)

Suho is pretty simple, when we were looking at the fish he was just kind of in wonderment and concern. You can see it all over his face.

We're in the reptile exhibit. Looking at a Xenodermus. An interesting animal to say the least.

It took breeders a WHILE to get them to breed in captivity. Well that's what it says on the plaque.

We stare at a bunch of other random animals.

This date's a little boring not gonna lie, not because of him, but because of what I chose to ask him to. He seems to be enjoying it a lot though.

"I feel underdressed to be honest." He said.

"That's a 4 million won hoodie and those are half a million won pants, you're just fine."

"How'd you know?"

"I get luxury clothes for cheap second hand. Just didn't have anything for a semi-casual date."

"Want my jacket? I get lux clothes for free at my modelling gig."

"Fellow broke boujee person huh."


"I'll take up on your offer, I feel like I'm wearing too much."

(Suho's perspective.)

She's gonna be wearing my jacket! We're gonna be trading scents! Oh man I smell like a pervert.

"I was the pervert for asking you out." she said.

"I said that out loud?" I reply.

"It's fine it was cute."

I get beet red.

I never noticed that she had gray eyes.

"You got Scandinavian in your ancestry?" I ask her.


"I barely noticed those eyes, I just assumed they were light brown from the glare."

"Yeah I'm a quarter Finn."

"I thought Hyun, his dad and my English teacher were the only white people in the area."

"Believe me, white girls love korean men."

"White people are the blades of the blender."

"You need to go to jail!"

"Says the perv that asked me to the zoo."

"We're even."

"My favorite exhibit is next, the other 4 animals I remember are here." Sangah said

"The arthropod exhibit?" I ask

"Orchid mantis, land lobster, giant water bug, hercules beetle. Lot's of cool stuff."

"I don't like insects."

"Oh come on don't be a chicken!"

She grabs me by the arm and pulls me to like 40 different insects and bugs. Arachnids were here too. Like the banana spider, goliath bird-eater, all kinds of stuff you see on nature documentaries that you don't want to crawl on you.

The tarantula part had it so you can hold one.

She asked me to take a picture of her with a tarantula on her FACE.

I took the picture, but this girl has nerves of uranium. Not steel, uranium, because her energy radiates like a tumor shutting down your fear gland in your head. And yes I paid attention in Physiology, I have to take care of my moneymaker (my face).

This was just absolutely insane.

"Can we finish another time?" I ask her.

"No, there's only two more sections left."


(To be continued...)