Chapter 29: {Time to Get Flipped}

(Hyun now)

{Is that fine baddie of a specimen gonna be back today?}

"Now look who's the disgusting one now!" I reply.

{You, remember, I'm in your brain.}


I just finished pumping some iron. I've finally upgraded to 15 pound dumbbells. I can also bench 50 pounds. Still not half my weight, but hey, at least I'm improving. I was also able to go on the bike for 10 minutes, it's not the climber, but at least I'm improving.

I'm completely SOAKING in sweat right now. I don't wanna look more disgusting than I already do so I switch to my backup T shirt that I found in my closet.

I get to class.

{Is she smoking a cigarette inside?}

Then Coach Yoo-ji pulls out a huge sucker.

Sangah's not here, which is surprising.

"Oh crap sorry I'm late!" She runs in here.

"Yo Hyun, are those hickeys? 1, 2, 3... 8 of them? What was Jugyeong doing?" Sangah asks me walking in.

"She was in a "hungry" state let's just say." I reply.

"Y'all idiots can gossip after this class!" Coach Yoo-ji said.

The other two people in our class were staring at Coach Yoo-ji. Let's just say she's not impressed.

"You two h*rny prepubescent 20 year old men stop drooling on the floor. The MMA teacher is gonna be a jerk to me later if there's saliva on the floor! Also I'm taken (for now), so stop it, unless you want me to reverse choke spider grab you so both your legs, and one of your arms will be broken while I'm choking you." Coach Yoo-ji said.

"Yes ma'am!" The dudes reply kinda scared.

"Don't call me that, it makes me feel old, I'm only in my 20s!"

"Yes Coach!"

"ALRIGHT. Now it's time to learn reverse choking. We aren't gonna be doing any of the super crazy advanced stuff like the Reverse Choke Spider Grab. But at least the fundamental one and two follow ups for now. One of you four idiots get your butt over here and put on a suit of protective gear!"

Sangah volunteered.

"Alright here's a reverse choke." Coach said.

She demonstrated it. It looks inefficient by itself, I dunno why Dae Zhae Kuaun has this. She wrapped her arm around Sangah's neck.





"Now the normal reverse choke is kind hard to land on it's own. Normally you land it by elbowing someone and then doing it or knee levering someone and reverse choking them like this." she says while demonstrating.

The final things she shows us are basic follow ups.

"Okay, so here are two simple follow ups. And this is why I asked you to put on the gear. I'm gonna Reverse Piledrive you first."

She shows it.

"Holy crap that hurts!" Sangah complained.

"Now here's the one I want y'all to try today. The reverse powerbomb. Famous TV wrestling move. In Dae Zhae Kuaun, it's used with the knee lever and reverse choke to be one of the most consistent strings of moves in fighting history. This string of moves are the most important part of Dae Zhae Kuaun, since this is the only way to effectively get them on the ground so you can immobilize them with stuff like the spider grab or pretzel clinch (mostly because the piledriver is banned in most fighting tournaments). Or my favorite, the sitting arm bar."

"That's scary." I say.

"Like me?"


She then demonstrates how to do the reverse powerbomb effectively in Dae Zhae Kuaun.

Sangah then come up to me.

"I wanna try it on you." she says to me. I'm the heaviest person there, so it makes sense that if she could do it to me, she could be effective at it.

She tries it on me and.




She is able to powerbomb me. I'm absolutely terrified.

I try it on her too. Not the same.

I try it on the other two guys too, it was easy.

"The knee lever makes it so you can flip over someone without too much hassle if you have proper form." Coach Yoo-ji says.

That's why it's important.

"We're gonna be doing this til next Thursday because this is too important to learn." she says.

I get out of the gym and I go straight to the shower. I'm dripping in sweat.

{How are you gonna practice powerbombing someone 1000 times this week?}

"I'll just do the motions." I reply to DPHM.

{Why not ask Jugyeong?}

"Me flip over my girlfriend? Are you crazy?"

{What if she asks you?}

"Protective equipment for both of us then."

{Yeah that makes sense.}

I decide to text Jugyeong.

"Hi babe how are you doing right now. How was your study session?" I send her.

"Kinda boring not gonna lie. I at least got the material. Oh crap, I forgot to send you those selfies!" she replies.

She then sends me like 5 selfies of herself.

All of them were very uh, artery widening to say the least. Not because they were naughty, they weren't even close to that (except her normal hosiery which would make any man get a nosebleed if this was anime with them ginourmous thighs). She just looked beautiful in every single one, and always will.

I stared at them too long.

"No comment?" she texts me.

"Sorry I was just enjoying the beautiful pictures."

"You were staring at my thighs weren't you?"


"Eh, I stare at yours too."


"How was class?" she send me.

"It was interesting, learned how to reverse powerbomb someone while "choking" them at the same time."


"Don't get any ideas."


"Hey, wanna go clothes shopping with me tomorrow after school? I want some second opinions on things. I liquidated my huge crypto wallet and got like 10 million Won to spend after picking up all that crypto after getting it for pennies during the war. My stocks I'm gonna let grow for a while longer though."

"That's a lot of money."

"Thanks dad for my 10000 won a week allowance that I invested into reselling which got me this much."

"I forget you do that on the side. Can you teach me?"

"Hell yeah, we'll both be rich! Ish."

{She wouldn't teach you her reselling secrets if she didn't see a future with you.}