
was this fate

April 5th, 1585: New Yodie City

Moody D. Nigel and Aceiro walk down a hallway toward a massive brown and black door.

"You ready?" Aceiro said.

Aceiro was holding a dark blue duffle bag around his right shoulder, while in his right hand, he snacked on some chips he had in a bag.

Nigel looked over toward Aceiro, "Of course I am! What do you take me for a complete noob!"

Ace smiled, "I know just making sure Moody!"

As they approached the big doors Nigel would knock on the door. Before he could extend his arm, the door swung open. They were met by two large men in black suits and black sunglasses.

As the doors opened a massive glass window was displayed in the background. A massive city could be seen. A large desk and office chair.

"Ah, Gentlemen you've arrived! Come, sit with me." The office chair swung around toward the desk, and in it was a small old man.

Harvard was his name, he was short like a child and balding with grey hair, he wore a light grey suit with a white dress shirt underneath.

Nigel and Aceiro were escorted to their seats by the two bodyguards at the door. Harvard slid a beaten and battered paper folded into the shape of a rectangle across the table. He intertwined his fingers together as he placed his elbows on the desk, hands pressed to his face.

Nigel grabbed the paper and began to unfold it. "What is this?"

Harvard pointed with his finger, "That right there is what we've been looking for, for a very long time."

Harvard and Nigel go way back into their younger days. Harvard was considered a friend of the Moody Family, damn near close to a relative. He often went on expeditions with the family, exploring caves and temples. But something that Harvard always talked about was the ancient history of a certain subspecies of giants.

Aceiro would poke his head into Nigel's personal space, "Jotunheim? What's that?"

"What you didn't tell the kid about this?!"

Nigel looked nervous, something that happens on a rare occasion. "Come on Harv, give me a break I barely know the guy. I was alerted by a fellow worker about his skills and whereabouts."

Harvard then turned to Ace and began to tell him the information he knew.

"Jotunheim is known to be an old ancient Island from the past, around 400-600 years ago. Old texts and dig sites I've attended in my youth talk about this place as being a thriving civilization of Giants. However, they were considered to be a subspecies known as Trolls. The research states that these people's lineage stems from Elbaf, but none of that information has been confirmed due to conspiracy and World Government propaganda."

Harvard got up from his seat and started to walk around the room, his small body waltzed around the room as he explained further in detail.

"That paper in Nigel's hands is a map, with coordinates to an approximant location of the island. This took me many years to find this map and I'm now entrusting you with it. Don't you lose that Nigel or you'll be owing me a lot more than last time!"

Nigel put his hands up in the air, similar to a be stuck up by a cop, "Relax Harvard! I'm not going to lose anything. Besides I need to make it back so I can get paid." Nigel then handed Aceiro the map.

He studied it very closely, putting great attention to the details of the map. "Where did you get this thing anyway, it looks ancient."

"Well, It happened by Fate. My team and I were on an expedition in search of some alleged bones from some extinct lizard race. Although we were unsuccessful in that endeavor, a crewmate found a random chest that was buried into the side of a broken mud wall. Curiosity hit and one thing lead to another and there it was, the map. At first, we didn't know what to make of it, as it was mostly just a bunch of gibberish written down on tattered paper, it later turned out to be some sort of lost language. Once we got back to HQ I sent it in to an old friend of mine to do some further research on the Map. It turned out to be an old treasure map, she said that it could've belonged to a pirate or treasure hunter of the past. She traced the language through a database system and the results led back to Giant origin. Also later that week we got an anonymous tip from a close intel guy about the possible whereabouts of the island."

"Woah, what a story. To think that a lost giant civilization would come from this is wild. I never met a Giant before, have you?"

Harvard laughed at Aceiro's question, "Well of course I have...And you have to!" He pointed to Nigel who had covered his face with his left hand rubbing his forehead.

"You see Aceiro, I've known Nigel here for as long as he's been alive. His father and I go way back..."

Harvard walked over toward the window, with his hands behind his back. Staring down at the city below he began to reminisce about his younger days with Nigel's dad.

35 years ago...

A young Harvard is walking with Nigel's father back from a long day at work, they are wearing mining gear covered in dirt. The sun is setting on the island, changing the sky's color from light blue to dark orange and purple.

"Do you ever think we'll find it here?" Harvard said.

"We have to! I know it's somewhere out there," Nigel's father replied. Passion was written on his dirty face as he swiped the dry sweat from his face.

"Don't worry about it Harvard, when we find it. History will be made!"

Present day...

Harvard walked back to his black comfy office chair and kicked his feet up onto his desk. Snapping his fingers one of the bodyguards, shifted his way toward the right side of the room to where a small bar was installed. A few bottles of whiskey and rum occupied the bar. The guard began to fix a drink for Harvard.

"Would you guys like a drink?"

Nigel without hesitation would throw his hand up in the air waving at the bodyguard to pour him a glass as well. Aceiro sat quiet as he was not the biggest fan of alcohol. "Come on kid, don't be a square. Hey, big guy pour one more the shy guy."

The bodyguard nodded his head and fetched a third glass to pour. After finishing his bartending the bodyguard walked over to the three of them with drinks ready to serve on a silver tray.

"Apple Rum cocktail, one of my best," the bodyguard said.

"Thank you, Miguel, your skills in the bar are something that is needed in my life," Harvard remarked as he sipped on his drink. Nigel and Aceiro both took their drinks as well. Nigel instantly downed the drink and placed the glass back onto the silver tray. Aceiro sat awkwardly in his seat holding his drink in between his legs.

"Now let's get to the important stuff for this expedition. For starters, you will be paid half of the amount we agreed upon, 25 million berries each, once the expedition is complete you will be paid the other 25. The actual job itself is very simple in theory, you guys will leave and head to the location on the map, and once you arrive call me on a transponder snail, from there you will search the location and try to find and confirm the whereabouts of Jotunheim. If you find any evidence send some pictures and documentation. Any questions?"

Nigel and Aceiro both looked at each other, then back at Harvard. At the same time, they both shook their heads from left to right.

"Perfect! You guys are free to go, just give me a call if you have any questions."

They said their goodbyes and then were escorted out of his office shortly after. Harvard in his office then makes a private call to someone of unknown background.

"Tell them that I have a team going to check out the location. If anything further develops I'll let you know, we finally have our chance at making history!"

Nigel and Aceiro are now in the lobby of the building, the new duo steps out onto the street. Bustling carriages and people waltzed in every which way. The city was loud and seemed to be always on the move. "Where to now?" Aceiro said finishing the last of his chips. "Well first order of business is to find some food because I am starving!" Nigel began to rub his belly, the groaning sounds from his bowels could be heard amidst the commotion of the street.

"I could go for some food right now...I'm thinking of some pasta and chicken, that sounds good. We probably should've asked Harvard about some good food spots around here."

"Pasta?! Really, you want pasta out of all things. You really are a square. Follow me, we're going to get some street meat."

The two began to walk down the street in pursuit of a concession stand. They exchanged small talk with each other, talking about their backgrounds and old stories. Aceiro told Nigel of one of his adventures trying to find a Crown made of Ice. Nigel would tell him about a recent clash between the Hunting Pirates and Mooniane Maison Margiela. A sudden spark of conversation lead to Aceiro suggesting that dealing with ancient history could be bad for them if word gets out. He then mentioned that the World Government would be in active search of them if they'd found anything of significance. Nigel would quickly brush off the statement made by Ace, and tell him that they haven't even found anything yet and there would be nothing to worry about.

A dial tone reached the pocket of Nigel. Taking a bite of his fresh beef patty, he slipped his right hand into his long black jacket pocket and pulled out a transponder snail. "Yo! It's Nigel!"

"How did the meeting go?"

"The meeting went well, we got a location on top of a potential treasure map, me and the kid should be heading out in the next couple of days. How did your thing go? Did you get the tech you were looking for?"

"Lokapal, actually wasn't there during the deal, I guess it was some of his workers. But we got the tech, I ended up trading a large shipment of Prince Pills. I feel like it's a fair trade, Anyway, I'm sending Joshua to come pick you guys up, Oh by the way he will be accompanying you along your travels. He is there for backup if needed, I will be keeping in close contact with him so feel free to give me a shout."

"Yeah sorry, I couldn't be there to make the deal, getting Ace was good though after all I know you wanted to recruit him."

Aceiro looked at Nigel with a shocked look on his face, "Recruit? Who is he talking to? A friend, another employer?" He thought as he munched on his hotdog.

"Yes yes, when you guys get back to the ship we can talk then, Goodbye."

The call was hung up and Nigel slipped his transponder back into his pocket, "Who was that?" Aceiro asked scratching the back of his head.

"That was Prince Ezekiel, the founder of the Prince Company. I became a partner in the company, it turns out my skills were required for Ezekiel's grand plan. Either way I was able to work out a deal with him, allowing me money and freedom to do as I please as long as I do what is required of me."

"Soo? Your and employee?"

"I AM NOT AN EMPLOYEE! I'M A PARTNER! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE!" Nigel shouted at Ace, his face began to change to a red color as the blood rushed to his head.

A few minutes later a cab pulled up, it was a black car hovered slightly above the ground. The window rolled down and behold Nightingale Joshua, had arrived to pick them up. "Get in before I drive off! You too Ace!"

"Why do you always have to be a complete asshole?" Nigel responded getting into the front passenger seat of the vehicle. Aceiro then got into the backseat, as the hovercar drove off.

In Paradise, in Jotun Castle, a meeting is being held in the throne room, There is a group of 4 individuals that attend...

"My King we have discovered the informant in our ranks, her name is... She slipped between the cracks out into the sea."

A man stood to the left kneeling, dressed in a long blue robe, brown dress pants, and black shoes with a hunched back. His hair was black and long and tattered, tangled and unkept in a long braid. He was a tall figure that stood around 20 feet tall in stature. His build was big and bulky and he held a large Murakumogiri with a gold handle and blue-edged blade. His name was Krillin Tobias, Third Commander.

"We fear that his escape may spark an uprise in the people. We already have been hearing about a potential riot in the main square."

Another man stood in the middle kneeling, He wore a Red robe, black pants, and light brown boots. A white dress shirt covered his torso with a Gold Cross chain hung from his neck. He had slicked-back blonde hair and a well-kept beard, he had handsome features and a strong jaw that gave of a masculine energy. He was a well-built man who stood around 8 feet tall. He had a longsword by his left side holding it by the hilt and plunging it into the ground. His name was Ramus Jedidiah, Second Commander.

"I fear like That man may be freed if word gets out My Lord, who knows what the scum in our ranks told, it's a true shame that it would be someone in our ranks."

The man on the right kneeling wore a Yellow robe. He was the smallest out of the three men. He had white hair and brown skin, and he wore a black long-sleeve shirt and grey pants, with brown leather dress shoes. He had a cutlass also plunged into the ground. His face was clean-shaven and his hair was wavy and hung just above his shoulders. He was the youngest of them, and his name was Moses Javan, First Commander.

The 3 commanders all knelt before a tall throne that sat high above them. It sat upon a large staircase that got more narrow the closer you got to the top.

"We knew this day would eventually come after all these years, after all...That man is favored by Fate and Destiny."

A light blonde-haired young man sat on the throne. He sat perched on the throne having his left leg bent on the edge of the throne. His left hand sat upon his knee, while his right hand had slightly covered his face, only revealing his dark purple eyes. He wore all-black royal garbs that resembled an old leather suit. His shoulders housed a lovely olive-green cape, with gold stitching. A sword was displayed next to him which was a gold hilted. His name is King Yorick the current of Jotunheim.

A Few Days Later — April 8, 1585

Nigel and Aceiro are now flying over the paradise ocean in an airship made by a new recruit from the prince company. It was smaller than the company's ship but it was good, it was one of the gifts requested on Nigel's behave. The ship was sleek and long, It was large enough to have multiple rooms within it and was covered in a strong glass material. They sat in the large living quarters of the ship, Aceiro sitting on a tan-red sofa with a brown wooden frame.

Nigel was over in the kitchen area which was an open space. He was fixing himself a drink, a signature characteristic of his. They were only a few hours away from the arrival at the island Harvard had told them about in their meeting together. Nigel would finish pouring his drink, slipping the cork right back into the bottle, and placing it on the tan granite countertops. The living area was nice, it had a woodland cabin feel with walls made out of dark oak wooden logs and carpets from bears, tigers, and other creatures. There was a fireplace as well that had a built-in ventilation system, the countertops gave a 90's pop culture look to everything. There were small figures and statues of bronze, of unique art and collectibles, truly a cozy get away.

Nigel would step out onto his large balcony, it housed a pair of lawn chairs sitting on the turf grass that was used as the flooring. He leaned up onto the ledge, leaning his weight into his forearms, hanging his hands over the edge, drink still in hand. He swished the liquid in the decorated glass cup around and around before taking a sip of it.

Closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath in he would then let out a huge sigh, with his body slouching as he exhaled, "Ancient giants huh... I probably shouldn't get my hopes up," he would say to himself.

But he would be met with a response, "Don't be so glum chum, after all this is a big moment for us!"

A woman had appeared that looked like Nigel, with long black curly flowing hair that reached just above her waist, and a gorgeous face. She wore a long black cardigan coat covering her hourglass figure, that was knitted from wool. Underneath she wore a light blue long-sleeve shirt, with three undone buttons near the collar, showing off some of her cleavage. Her pants were skin-tight jeans that were black and she wore knee-high boots, her name was Elyisa.

She was a clone of Nigel due to his devil fruit Peri Peri no Mi, the ability to split one's self into multiple copies.

"I know, Ely, but something just doesn't feel right about it..." Nigel would look off into the dark staring sky. Elysia would recognize Nigel's awkwardness and would lean up right next to him.

"You need to get out of your own head and see the joy in these things, I know that the topic of giants is a little touchy subject for you, but we share the same memories too. After all, we are one of the same."

Nigel would look at Elyisa placing his head on her shoulders, "Thanks sis," he said. The sentimental moment was quickly ruined by two others who also appeared.

"ThAnKs, SiS! What a softy eh Vernon?

"Come on Nigel, I thought you were the big badass."

The two that intruded on this moment were Vernon and Magnus. Also identical copies of Nigel, Vernon had a long streaky mullet haircut, and he wore a dark leather jacket that passed his knees. He wore a plain white tee, tucked into his black dress pants. His shoes were a type of running outdoors shoe with no laces. Magnus had short frizzy curly hair, his face rendered a crazy look with his right eye patch being a prominent feature of his character. He wore the same jacket as Vernon, and wore a black dress shirt and cargo shorts, with a pair of sandals.

Nigel quickly adjusted himself, pointing at them in a fiery tone of voice, "Would you 2 freaks hop off my dick already! You just don't know when to quit do you?!"

Vernon and Magnus would laugh in the face,

"I can't take you seriously with your watery eyes," Vernon said.

"Don't act hard now man, you have been caught," Magnus responded. The three of them continued to argue and fight among themselves like siblings over something stupid. Elyisa could only giggle as he covered her mouth with her fingers. "I swear these men are just boys who are taller, haha were like one big family." The glass sliding doors at the entrance of the balcony were opening with little Aceiro poking his head through the glass.

"Ugh...Nigel?" Aceiro looked around the room, in complete shock and awe. He never had seen any of these people, where did they come from? and who were they? was the question that ran through his mind in that moment.

Nigel turned his head toward Aceiro, with a fire lit in his eyes, "What do you want a brat!?"

"I think we are here..."

The group had been following a trail made from floating rose pedals, this was caused by Aceiro's devil fruit ability. Aceiro has the Toreka Toreka no Mi, which was the ability to seal things into cards, turning them into trading cards. In this case, Aceiro used a Red Item Card called: "Rose Pose," This item allows the user to call upon a large Compass Rose Log Pose, that emits a trail of rose pedals to a desired location. This is really good for navigation and tracking, it can even locate hidden things.

They all ran inside and went to the front of the ship. In the distance below they could see some land, the island they have been searching for. The group all looked out the glass pilot loft and were, taken away at the island as they got closer and closer. The island was baron and rustic, Vernon who was steering the ship at this time flew the ship closer to the surface, trying to get a better look at everything.

"This place looks like a piece of shit mate!" Magnus would say, Elyisa without a second thought would smack the back of his head, hard enough for Vernon to quickly shut up. The ground was cracked and the land was deprived of nourishment and water, there was a cluster of dead trees everywhere, suggesting that the area they flew over was a dead forest.

A Few Hours Later...

Aciero and Nigel along with his copies flew across the island for some time, coming across nothing that would pique interest to them, until they passed into a grove. It was a small open area with a few trees here and there, "Look over there!" Vernon said, holding some binoculars and pointing in the direction in front of him. Vernon spotted a man sleeping in a cave located in a small rock formation. They piloted the ship toward the stranger and docked it just outside the cave. The sound of the airship would wake anyone from sleep and wasn't the best thing for sneaking around.