Chapter 593: Life in Desperate Situation

Hearing that, Henry Russell's body shuddered violently. From childhood till now, a proud man like him had never said the words 'I was wrong' to anyone.

Asking him to kneel down and apologize, that would simply be impossible! He knew perfectly well that even if he knelt on the ground, they wouldn't let Charlotte Cooper go.

But if he didn't do it now, Charlotte's life would be in danger. The man saw that Henry hadn't reacted for a long time, sneered, and then said to Charlotte, "See? This is a man for you. He seems deeply affectionate, but when it comes to his pride, you're nothing more than this."

As if he had not heard the man's provocation, Henry struggled for a long time in his heart before finally kneeling on the ground without any expression.

At that moment, the air became frighteningly quiet. Charlotte's eyes widened, never expecting that he would actually kneel down for her sake.