
"If that's the case, do you think that Yang Yue Yue was the one behind everything?"

Chen Anna said this directly, and after she said this, Qiao si nodded without hesitation.

If it wasn't done by this person, then why did all the signs point to him?

Moreover, he was the only one who didn't like her. From the previous incident, he was the only one who could do such a thing. How could anyone else do it?

Therefore, at this moment, they all had the same conclusion in their hearts, which was that everything was done by that woman. If it wasn't done by that woman, then how could all the signs be pointing to her?

Moreover, this button could also be his, because he had more money than the others. In that case, it meant that he definitely had a motive to commit the crime.

"I don't think he's the one behind this."