Even She Was Going to Betray Him?

Bai Yu considered the inconvenience of his lack of sight, so she wanted to read out the number for him.

Yet, she had just started when Fu Yunzhe abruptly interrupted her. "Go outside."

"Okay." Bai Yu tidied up and turned to walk towards the door.

Suddenly, she heard Fu Yunzhe ask enigmatically, "Why are you still calling me?"

She couldn't resist turning around to look and saw a mix of hatred and resentment fill his expression. For a moment there, Bai Yu thought she was looking at herself. She remembered the day Song Lin broke up with her for Bai Wanwan, and that was the exact same expression she had.

The door closed with a clack. At the same time, Fu Yunzhe heard the girl on the other line say, "Yunzhe, I'm getting engaged."

She was getting engaged!

After Bai Yu finished eating downstairs, she was about to continue persuading Fu Yunzhe to go out for a walk when she heard his muffled voice. "Go out and leave me alone for a while."

Bai Yu asked, partially meaning it as a joke, "This house may be huge, but where do you think I can go?"

Now, the entire Fu family considered her to be on Fu Yunzhe's side. Only Fu Xiangchen would be nice to her. If she was chased out by her husband too, wouldn't she become a laughing stock?

Yet, Fu Yunzhe stood up and said in an imposing manner, "You can go anywhere you want."

Hearing that, Bai Yu recalled the expression he wore when she turned around to look at him before leaving. She silently clicked her tongue and left.

She didn't expect Fu Xuyin to fall into her the instant she left the room. To be precise, Fu Xuyin was eavesdropping at the door but didn't expect Bai Yu to suddenly open it and catch him in the act.

Fu Xuyin quickly held his head and accused her, "You ran into me!"

Bai Yu said nothing. She just looked at him coldly. Then, as if he had discovered something incredible, Fu Xuyin shouted, "Stupid woman, you're done for!" Having said that, he turned and ran away, all the while shouting out, "Bai Yu's crying," so that everyone could hear.

Bai Yu blinked her teary eyes. 'I'm not crying!', she thought. After wandering the corridor for a while, she realized that all the rooms on the second floor were locked, except for Fu Yunzhe's. She couldn't enter them, so her only option was to go to Butler Zhuang for the keys.

"Will First Young Madam and First Young Master be sleeping in separate rooms?"

In the face of Butler Zhuang's malicious inquiry, Bai Yu looked down and tried to cover things up by saying, "It's only for one night."

Butler Zhuang shook his head, seeming to pity her. "Why must you torture yourself? No matter how nice you are to First Young Master, he won't accept your kindness. Why don't you tell Madam about your grievance? She will help you."

Bai Yu regained her senses and insisted, "I'm not aggrieved. I just don't want to infect him with my cold."

Butler Zhuang felt dispirited. "Is that so? Then wait for a moment, I'll fetch a room key for you."

On the first floor's lounge, Lin Jing was staring at Fu Xuyin, asking him seriously, "Xuyin, did you really see Bai Yu running out of Fu Yunzhe's room crying?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. I had wanted to hear if they would quarrel, but that stupid woman suddenly opened the door and came out."

"I was discovered. Second Brother, you won't blame me, right?" Fu Xuyin said and looked at Fu Xiangchen, feeling guilty.

Fu Xiangchen caressed his head. "It's alright."

A moment later, Butler Zhuang came up to them. "Madam, Second Young Master, First Young Madam came to me just now, asking for keys to the other rooms. I've arranged for her to stay in a room on the second floor. One that's furthest away from First Young Master."

Lin Jing clapped her hands and smiled. "Good. This isn't our fault. It was Fu Yunzhe who chased her out."

Lin Jing had waited too long for this moment. On the first night of their marriage, she deliberately had someone lock Fu Yunzhe's door so that Bai Yu could experience Fu Yunzhe's brutality, and then take her side. Alas, not only did Bai Yu fail to surrender to her the next day, but she even wanted to install french windows for Fu Yunzhe. Bai Yu even did a lot of other things that surprised her.

With this in mind, Lin Jing looked at Fu Xiangchen with a look of approval on her face. "Chen'er, this tactic of using another's hand to deal the enemy a finishing blow is really clever."

Fu Xiangchen chuckled. "I told you that I'd slowly teach Sister-in-law how to survive in this family."

As time passed, Fu Yunzhe's anger was once again buried inside his chest. He began to wonder where did Bai Yu go. He only said he wanted to be alone for a while and now she wasn't coming back?