I’ll Take Good Care Of Her For You

Fu Yunzhe suddenly regained his senses. "Since you've already decided to get engaged to Lan Qingyu, why are you provoking Bai Yu?"

Fu Xiangchen appreciated the pain in Fu Yunzhe's eyes. He smiled and said, "Big Brother, you should've seen the helpless look on Bai Yu's face right after she married into our family. It was the same look Qingyu had when she found out that you couldn't see two years ago. I can't help but want to take better care of her."

"Shut up!" Fu Yunzhe roared. Fu Xiangchen's ambiguous tone disgusted him!

Fu Xiangchen kept smiling. "Big Brother, why are you angry? Are you worried that Bai Yu will be like Qingyu? That she'll leave you someday and fall into my arms?"

Past memories came surging back to Fu Yunzhe, and the image of Qingyu overlapped with Bai Yu, giving him a headache.

Just then, Fu Xiangchen saw Bai Yu coming out of the living room from the corner of his eye. He lowered his voice and said, "Big Brother, all my life, you've never acknowledged me. Now that I've succeeded, you've lost your sight instead. Otherwise, you could see how cheeky I am. But it doesn't matter. Though you've been unkind to me, and I won't be wicked to you. From now on, whether it's Qingyu or Bai Yu, I'll take good care of them for you."


Bai Yu didn't expect Fu Yunzhe to beat Fu Xiangchen up in the time it took for her to go to the toilet. By the time Fu Xiangchen was struggling to get up from the ground, his left face was swollen. It was truly a harrowing sight.

Fu Yunzhe heard a noise and saw Bai Yu suddenly standing behind them. Panic filled her eyes and she said, "You guys..."

Fu Yunzhe realized that he had been tricked. But he must look very scary now or Bai Yu wouldn't look at him like that.

Fu Xiangchen said weakly, "Sister-in-law, help me take care of Big Brother. His mood isn't stable right now."

Having said that, Fu Xiangchen turned and left, leaving Bai Yu in a daze. Wait, he left, just like that? Wouldn't that mean she had to face Fu Yunzhe alone?

Seeing Bai Yu look at Fu Xiangchen's back profile as if she would cry, Fu Yunzhe scoffed and returned to his room, slamming the door behind him. Bai Yu's shoulders shook, startled by the violent closing of the door. Then, she saw the tragic end of the food she had prepared for him. Recalling Fu Xiangchen's earlier expression, she subconsciously rubbed her nose and figured she shouldn't annoy him for now.

Lin Jing's heart ached. "Chen'er, why didn't you fight back when he hit you?"

Fu Xiangchen said, "He's my big brother."

Lin Jing said angrily, "All your life, you've never learned how to fight back, and that's why he managed to break your leg!"

Bai Yu came just in time to overhear Lin Jing and Fu Xiangchen's conversation when she arrived at the dining hall downstairs. She couldn't help but ask, "Second Young Master Fu, are you okay?"

Hearing this, Lin Jing glared at her angrily. "Does my son look okay?"

Fu Xiangchen said, "Mom, Sister-in-law is just concerned about me. Don't take it out on her." After dissuading Lin Jing, Fu Xiangchen said to Bai Yu softly, "It was my fault too. I shouldn't have made him angry."

The man didn't show any anger despite being hit, so Bai Yu asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Fu Xiangchen smiled bitterly. "I saw him kick your dishes over when I was passing by his room. I couldn't resist reprimanding him, and then this happened."

Under Lin Jing's reproachful gaze, Bai Yu felt apologetic. "I'm sorry. I had an argument with him, so you ended up getting involved."

Just then, Butler Zhuang came over with a first aid box. Fu Xiangchen looked at Bai Yu. "Sister-in-law, can you apply the medicine for me? After all, I took the beating because of you. If Qingyu sees me like this tomorrow, she'll cry."

Bai Yu said quietly, "This isn't appropriate."

Lin Jing suddenly spoke up, "My Chen'er was beaten because of you, and you have the nerve to refuse?"

Bai Yu said no more. She would play nurse this once. As she applied the ointment, Fu Xiangchen was staring at her warmly the entire time. She couldn't help but think that any woman would turn into water under such scrutiny. However, right after this thought appeared, a vicious gaze unique to only Fu Yunzhe abruptly surged into her mind, scaring her out of her stupor.

The next instant, she put down the ointment and said to Fu Xiangchen, "Done."

Despite being so young, Bai Yu wasn't bewitched by Fu Xiangchen at all, and that made him narrow his eyes. He said without fazing, "Thank you."

As it was over, Lin Jing said, "Alright, Butler Zhuang, serve dinner."