I’m Married

Just then, Fu Yunzhe's voice sounded from the side. "Stop moving. If you move again, go sleep on the sofa," Fu Yunzhe said bluntly before turning his back to her.

"Got it. Good night!" Bai Yu rubbed her nose. Looks like he really wasn't interested in her. Just then, her phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was a voice message from her university group chat. As she was tagged on the message, she tapped on it and held it to her ear to listen.

[Xiao Yu, this is Su Yu. Have you found a new love after breaking up with Senior Song? If you have, let's meet up sometime. ]

Su Yu, her university classmate, had once pursued Song Lin just as she did. However, she had won against Su Yu and became Song Lin's girlfriend. Back then, Su Yu wasn't convinced and said that the world was unpredictable, that they couldn't be certain who would get the last laugh. Bai Yu was nonchalant, thinking that Su Yu was only jealous, but then she realized that Su Yu was right. Bai Wanwan was the one who had the last laugh.

Bai Yu put her thoughts away. She didn't know how Su Yu found out about her breakup with Song Lin, thus prompting her to send this message. It seemed like she was concerned, but it was actually a provocation.

[I'm already married.] After Bai Yu typed in these words, she suddenly remembered that her marriage to Fu Yunzhe was a secret. However, she knew that Su Yu was waiting for her to make a fool of herself, so instead, she typed, [I did. I'll let you feast your eyes when I have the chance.]

Suddenly, the group chat became lively.

[For Xiao Yu to use the words 'feast your eyes', he must be richer and more handsome than Senior Song!]

Most of the replies were well-intentioned jokes, but Su Yu took a long time to reply, [It's not a rich old man, is it?]

Bai Yu glanced at Fu Yunzhe before replying confidently, [Maybe it's a billionaire president.]

[I'm looking forward to it!]

Bai Yu could imagine Su Yu gritting her teeth, but she wasn't lying. Fu Yunzhe was indeed a rare gem. Even if he was blind now, he could still thoroughly charm a woman with just his face.

Wait! No matter how handsome Fu Yunzhe was, he was difficult to get along with. Normal girls wouldn't be able to stand him. After Bai Yu put down her phone, she turned around to look at Fu Yunzhe. When she saw that he had not only turned his back to her but also distanced himself from her, she finally relaxed and fell asleep.

However, from an angle that Bai Yu couldn't see, Fu Yunzhe's eyebrows twitched, proving that he was awake. He had heard the voice message just now and realized that Bai Yu used to have a boyfriend. Although everyone had the freedom to love now, he still felt displeased. Hence, he suddenly wanted to know Bai Yu's reply. Perhaps she would tell her classmates the fact that she was married.

With this in mind, Fu Yunzhe smirked. He knew that his possessiveness was at play, so even if he didn't love Bai Yu, Bai Yu was his woman now. He wouldn't allow others to covet her.

The next day, Bai Yu was shocked when she opened her eyes. Her hands and feet were on Fu Yunzhe. Just as she was about to sneak out, Fu Yunzhe suddenly opened his eyes. Despite knowing that he couldn't see, Bai Yu still felt guilty. What should she do! This looked like she was taking advantage of him...

To ease the awkwardness, Bai Yu greeted, "Good morning. Did you sleep well yesterday?"

Hearing this, Fu Yunzhe smiled faintly. "What do you think? I was pinched and hugged. Would you be able to sleep if it were you?"

Bai Yu's face flushed slightly. She probably approached Fu Yunzhe due to feeling cold. However, her hands and feet had been unruly.

Bai Yu said in a quiet voice, "You could've pushed me away..."

To Fu Yunzhe, it sounded as if she was being coquettish, so he said darkly, "I wanted to, but the instant I touched you, you start kicking and biting me. You're a girl but why do you have such terrible sleeping posture?"

Bai Yu was so embarrassed she could only change the subject. "I didn't do anything else besides this... right?"

Fu Yunzhe nodded. "You did. You were talking in your sleep."

Bai Yu stuttered, "W-what did I say?"

"You said you were cold and wanted hugs one minute, and in the next minute, you said you were hot and wanted me to get lost. Am I a tool to you?" Fu Yunzhe spoke with an expression filled with scorn.

Bai Yu panicked. "It's getting late, I have to go to work..."

Having said that, she covered her face, got out of bed, and ran into the bathroom. She was thoroughly humiliated in just one night. While Bai Yu was regretting in the bathroom, Fu Yunzhe was also having a hard time.

He could only blame Bai Yu for torturing him last night. The fire she incited in him didn't die down the entire night.