Mama Dean

Bai Yu couldn't help but ask, "Did you call the family doctor?"

Bai Wanwan said, "We did. He's on his way." Having said that, she sat between Bai Hongye and Zhu Zhen. Then, she pointed Bai Yu a seat and said, "Sit down, Xiao Yu."

Bai Yu looked at Bai Hongye. With the state he was in, she now felt ashamed to mention the money.

However, the next instant, Bai Hongye took out a debit card. "Xiao Yu, the money in this card is all yours."

After Bai Yu took it, she subconsciously confirmed with him, "Five million?"

Bai Hongye's face froze. Then, he looked at his wife only to see her glance away as if this had nothing to do with her.

Bai Hongye could only explain it himself, "Xiao Yu, there's only two and a half million in the card."

Under Bai Yu's icy gaze, Bai Hongye endured the shame and said, "Your mother and I want to keep the rest as your sister's dowry."

Bai Yu didn't know what to think after hearing that. She always knew that Bai Hongye was a pushover. He listened to Zhu Zhen when he was young, and when he was old, he listened to Bai Wanwan. Bai Yu wasn't a smart daughter nor did she know how to act coquettishly, so she became a victim for the family. But how could they do this to her?

Ever since she married into the Fu family, she had never had a decent day.

Bai Yu had to endure Fu Yunzhe's temperamental mood and deal with Lin Jing and her sons' harassment. Even the scars on the back of her hand, courtesy of Fu Qinglin, had yet to heal. To put it bluntly, how could she just hand over her hard-earned money to Bai Wanwan?

Bai Yu said with determination, "Five million, and not a single cent less."

Bai Hongye advised, "Xiao Yu, two and a half million is actually a lot."

Bai Yu looked at him and abruptly said without thinking, "Last night, I received a call from the hospital saying that Mama Dean's condition is getting worse. She needs to receive the third round of chemotherapy as soon as possible."

When Bai Hongye heard that, a complicated expression appeared on his face.

Bai Yu continued, "But Mama Dean is worried because her children's psychological treatment center is about to be rebuilt, so she hasn't been able to receive treatment in peace. I'm prepared to tell her that I have the money and can renew the lease of her treatment center to resolve her worry."

Then, Bai Yu said with her voice tinged with sorrow, "Dad, that's why I agreed to marry into the Fu family. You promised me that night in the study, but you're going back on your word now?"

Bai Hongye was ashamed by her question so he looked at his wife. After all, it was Zhu Zhen who instigated him to do this. Seeing Bai Hongye lose his ground, Zhu Zhen feared that he might give Bai Yu the remaining 2.5 million in the heat of the moment.

Therefore, Zhu Zhen said, "Is an outsider more important than your sister's happiness?"

Bai Yu gritted his teeth. "Mama Dean isn't an outsider. She gave me a second chance at life. Without her, I wouldn't be able to live like a human now."

Zhu Zhen was irritated upon hearing this. "That's funny! You had autism when you were six. I believed in the online advertisement and sent you to her, but alas, after three years, she turned you into a semi-finished product. You look like a normal person on the surface, but in fact, you're selfish and cold-blooded. I've been kind enough not to hold her accountable, so what's this about a second chance at life? Don't forget whose womb you came out from. I am your only mother."

If possible, Bai Yu didn't want to recall the past. "That's because you lost me when I was young. After I had autism, had you ever cared for me at all? You were only in a hurry to send me out of the house so that what you can't see won't hurt you."

Bai Yu remembered that after she was sent to Mama Dean's place at six years old, aside from an occasional phone call, Bai Hongye and his wife basically never showed up. Bai Yu had lived with Mama Dean for three years, and the reason why Zhu Zhen believed in the online advertisement was that the fees were cheap. Since out of the three Bai family children, one was a fool and the other one was autistic, Bai Hongye and his wife decided to pour all their hopes and love into Bai Wanwan. That was how it had always been, and even more so now.

Bai Yu couldn't help but look at Bai Wanwan. "Sis, didn't you always flaunt yourself as a woman of the new era? Why don't you rely on yourself instead of sucking my blood?"

"This is Mom and Dad's intention. I've rejected them before." Bai Wanwan thoroughly pushed the blame from herself.

Bai Yu sneered. "I don't believe it. Unless you swear to my face that you really don't want this 2.5 million. Otherwise, you'll never meet a decent person in your life and your marriage will be miserable!"

Bai Wanwan seemed to be frightened. "Xiao Yu, you're too vicious! Hurry up and give her the money. I don't want to be cursed by her every day."