Chapter 674: The Lu Family's Stall

"A remedy for an illness? Of course not."

Shu Yu was no doctor—how could she possess the skill to cure his ailment.

Nevertheless, among the ingredients, there were indeed several that could ease his mind and alleviate the soreness of his shoulders, allowing him to soak his feet at night so he could sleep peacefully without having nightmares.

As for the other parts of the prescription, such as ash, yellow talisman water, and other insignificant items, they were all added just to pad the list, making her seem more like a fortune-teller.

"I'm sure after tonight, he will have no doubt in my words."

Daya suddenly realized, "But soaking the feet is only a temporary solution, not a cure. If he continues feeling unwell for long, won't he come to settle accounts with us?"

Shu Yu replied with an air of mystery, "He would have to have the chance to do so."

"What do you mean?"

"Sister, you know about Master Lan's situation, right?"

"I do."