His appearance 2

Victoria Garcia's aggressiveness, in Arnold Johnson's eyes, had a certain flavor.

His low voice, as always, was cold and indifferent.

"All you need to know is you're going to be my, Arnold Johnson's, only legal wife, and that's it. Don't bother thinking about anything else."

"That's something I won't agree to."

Victoria Garcia said instinctively, without even thinking about it.

Upon hearing such a refusal, Arnold Johnson did not show any anger, but kept his usual composure.

"I have a video of your mother in prison here. You can make your decision after you watch it." Arnold Johnson picked up a remote control from the side, pressed gently, and the video appeared before Victoria Garcia.

In the video, there was a pale face with disheveled hair, and a desolate, aged look in the eyes.

That woman was Victoria Garcia's mother, Josephine Garcia.

She, as she is now, no longer had her usual gentleness, only traces of pain left by intense torture.

Then, different women began to appear in the picture, all dressed in prison uniforms.

Among them, three women stood out, tearing and beating Josephine Garcia, even violently targeting her private parts. The other inmates watched indifferently on the side, undisturbed.

All Victoria Garcia could hear were her mother's miserable and enduring groans.

She clenched her fist and yelled, "Enough!"

Arnold Johnson cooperatively pressed the pause button, freezing the image on Josephine Garcia's face filled with pain.

She glared at Arnold Johnson with her clear and icy eyes, filled with bursts of red veins, "I clearly gave benefits for my mother to be taken care of, how dare they do this?"

"Because the benefits you gave are not as much as what others give."

"That other person is you?" After asking this question, Victoria Garcia felt she had wronged him. Arnold Johnson may be ruthless, but he wouldn't be a snob.

"You really think highly of me." Arnold Johnson was not angry, but gently continued, "Should I shamelessly follow your will to make it even worse?"

Victoria Garcia felt cold all over her body, realising who's behind all this after a little thought.

Arnold Johnson handed her a document, saying indifferently, "Have a look."

She took the document from his hand. It was thin, with just a piece of paper inside that contained clauses about her marrying Arnold Johnson.

"You're really despicable." Victoria Garcia gritted her teeth.

Arnold Johnson casually asked knowingly, "Has anyone ever said that I'm not?"


"I can assure you that, except for me who's willing and capable of saving your mother, there is no one else in Authority Country." Arnold's voice was as usual, but the determination in his eyes was unquestionable.

For her, nothing was more important.

Victoria Garcia, hating him to the core, had to admit, Arnold had a point, and it was even the fact, except that she still held a glimmer of hope in her heart.

"I'll give you 24 hours to think about it." Arnold Johnson casually added, "Remember, it's null and void after the deadline."

Victoria Garcia suppressed her emotions. Without refuting his words, she just coldly said, "Take me back to the city."
