Tear apart

Victoria Garcia's fingers casually swept over one book after another, finally stopping on a book called "The Case of Psychological Crime" and pulling it out.

She found a seat by the window that was not easily visible from the outside, her slender fingers gently flipping through the book. However, just as she started, she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure outside the window, followed by another equally familiar one.

Seeing the two heading towards the private room, she closed the book and checked her watch. They were fifteen minutes earlier than she had expected, which caught her off guard.

As Victoria approached the door of the private room, she could hear the arguing inside.

"Terry Garcia, who are you putting on this act for?" Clara Brown's voice was filled with anger.

Terry's face was cold and expressionless, and at this moment, he felt a little tired.

"Are you dead? I'm talking to you!" Clara's voice became even more shrill.

As Terry looked at his wife's heavy makeup, she was still beautiful, but this kind of beauty made him feel an indescribable pain in his heart. Suppressing the fury within, he forced his face to calm down, making an effort to soften his tone as he spoke.

"Clara, after all, Victoria is my daughter. Even if I don't like it, I have to give her a clear answer when she invites me, right?"

Clara scoffed and said sarcastically, "What, you think you can use this opportunity to mend fences between you and your daughter?"

Hearing her words, Terry's handsome face darkened once again.

"What do you want now that you're here?"

Clara felt suffocated and couldn't calm herself down.

"If I hadn't found out, would you have told me?" The thought of this made Clara feel even more suffocated.

Terry replied directly, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. The only reason I came here is to make Victoria give up completely. All you're worried about is that I can't let go of Josephine Garcia because of our past. But if I really couldn't let her go, I wouldn't have stood by while you bribed people in prison to torment her, and I would have asked you and my mother to show mercy when you contacted Director Mitchell."

"Josephine killed my father, she deserves to die," Clara said furiously. Whenever she thought of this woman, she wished she would die a gruesome death.

Terry was also upset about this matter. All the evidence seemingly pointed to Josephine, but there was no actual proof that she had killed Clara's father, Turner Brown. Josephine was someone who couldn't even bring herself to kill a chicken. Terry just couldn't believe that she was capable of murder.

Of course, he also understood that he wouldn't risk offending his current wife, Clara, for his ex-wife, Josephine.

At the moment of their dispute, Victoria pushed open the door of the private room and stood in front of her father, Terry Garcia, and her aunt Clara, looking at them coldly.