Admiring your beautiful appearance like a flower

Once they got on the plane, Victoria Garcia could no longer contain her curiosity and asked, "Can you explain what is going on?"

At the moment, she held ownership and mining rights to three mines.

"I'm just helping you reclaim what rightfully belongs to you," holding his calm, Arnold Johnson replied.

"Is that so? What about the Crystal mine? Was it thrown in as a bonus when you bought the other two mines?" Victoria's voice was laced with distrust.

Arnold Johnson chuckled and nonchalantly replied, "It just so happened that I noticed that particular mine. Knowing that it is rich in crystals, which may not be precious but sell for a good price, I thought about the demands of the young market in Metropolis and decided to get it for you as well; now you can tap into that market. Isn't that great?"

The task he set out to do for her wasn't merely to satisfy her; he wanted to pave a path right to the end.