Zhao Meilin's Appointment 2

After Arnold Johnson dropped off Victoria Garcia at her house, Victoria didn't go home. Instead, she waited for Arnold's car to drive away and took the subway back to school.

Upon returning to her dormitory, Victoria glanced at her class schedule. There were only a few classes left, and once this semester was over, she'd be a year closer to graduation.

"Victoria, exams are coming up, can I please borrow your notes?" her roommate, Serenity Brown, asked with a smile, clinging to her.

Victoria casually pulled out her notes and handed them to Serenity.

Not afraid to sound cheesy, Serenity said, "Victoria, I love you!"

Students who get into Authority University are the best talents of Authority Country. Yet, even in Authority, there were students who fail their courses, and Serenity was one of them.

"Victoria..." Serenity had taken the notes but didn't leave. Instead, she got even closer to Victoria.

Victoria gave her a blank stare, questioning "What now?"