Forced confession

Victoria suddenly flashed a smile like a spring breeze, but her voice remained cold, "If that's the case, your big sister will make you believe me."

With that, Victoria gently flicked the knife up and tapped its spine, making a crisp sound that sent shivers down people's spines.

"How come? You try to scare Young Master with a knife?" Although Harry Collins appeared indifferent, he couldn't help but feel nervous inside.

Victoria picked up the knife, tapped the spine against Harry's face, and said, "I want you to hand over all the photos and videos of my sister as they were, and make sure no one else has them."

"You have seen my whole body, don't you know if I have any or not?" Harry couldn't help but be playful when faced with a beauty.

Victoria, however, was not in the mood to play along and her tone became a bit harsh, "Harry Collins, don't think that I have a good temper. If you don't know when enough is enough, I will cut off one of your fingers first."