Your change 2

Victoria Garcia looked at Serenity Brown's cute baby face, her mind half-filled with various scenes from romance novels and half-filled with all kinds of delicious food and fun things.

With a head like this, she actually claimed she wanted to study in the Mathematics Department.

If her high school math teacher knew she had never scored over 60 in math, he could probably shed a basin of tears at home.

As for how Serenity Brown enrolled in Authority Country's top university, Victoria Garcia had no idea.

Serenity didn't say, and naturally, Victoria wouldn't ask such an embarrassing question.

Victoria Garcia gazed absent-mindedly at her plate of one meat dish and two vegetable dishes, realizing she had hardly eaten anything. She glanced at Serenity Brown's plate, and besides a few more pieces of sweet and sour pork ribs, she had barely touched the other dishes.

"Why do you always like to eat in the Second Cafeteria?"