Small Details in Life

When Victoria Garcia woke up again, it had been three days since she was tied up.

As she sat up in bed, she felt as if these three days were like a dream.

Instinctively, she got out of bed barefoot.

But the expected cold sensation wasn't there, it was warm.

Victoria lowered her head and saw a beige carpet laid on the floor. Stepping onto it felt like stepping on cotton candy - it was soft and warm...

When she went to the living room, she found that a similar beige carpet had been laid there as well.

Aunt Taylor came out and seeing that Victoria had woken up, she grinned with joy.

Seeing Victoria looking at the carpet, Aunt Taylor walked towards her while saying, "The young master laid this carpet himself. I think it must be because he knows you can't change your habit of walking barefoot around the house. You should know, a girl's feet should never be cold."

"Where... is he?" Victoria asked.