She's gone

Arnold Johnson was only halfway in his car when she received a call from Little Sister.

"Victoria, where are you now?" Hannah Garcia's voice was anxious and fast.

Upon hearing this voice, Victoria instinctively sat up straighter.

"Hannah, what happened?"

Harriet replied, "It's Ava... she seems to be missing."

"What do you mean, seems to be?" Victoria found the phrasing headache inducing.

Hannah gritted her teeth on the other end before saying, "Ten days ago, Ava called me and asked me to find out about something. She said to call her back once I had the full story. But when I tried to call her last night, her phone was switched off. I tried many times today, and it's still switched off. Worried, I went to the school to find her, only to learn from her dormmates that she left the dorm two days ago and hasn't returned since."

"What did she want you to find out?" Victoria asked.

Harriet had to admit, "She wanted me to inquire about Young Master Lee at the school."