How are you doing 2

Alexander Mitchell's hand gripped the coffee cup, then he quietly looked at her.

After a long time, he finally spoke: "I have been looking into some things recently and understand that back then, I was too inexperienced."

"I'm sorry."

Upon hearing his apology, Victoria Garcia just responded indifferently: "You never wronged me, so I won't accept those three words."

Speaking word by word, Alexander said: "I looked into the case from back then, and discovered that my uncle... Although he didn't seem to make any decisions, he tacitly consented to the verdict. And I naively believed that if I agreed to my mother's request, everything would get better."

"Looking back, even if I had approached my uncle back then, considering my family's thoughts and my uncle's position, he wouldn't have agreed."

Facing his sincerity, Victoria had her own feelings in her heart.

"It's all in the past, you don't have to blame yourself anymore. Moreover, I never blamed you."