With me around, you'll have a hard time standing out.

Mia Garcia had no idea what was said to Mariah Cook, but Mariah Cook left, leaving only Mia Garcia and Amelia Wilson.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Amelia Wilson crossed her arms in front of her and said coldly.

Mia Garcia played with her seaweed-like long hair, and smiled seductively, "So rude, be careful, or no one will dare to want you. Also, concerning the Film Institute, I advise you not to study there, try another school."

"Who do you think you are? To make the whole world listen to you, you're sick." Amelia Wilson retorted impatiently.

Mia Garcia stood in front of her with a calm face, saying word by word: "You always rely on your beautiful looks to try to put me down, otherwise, you wouldn't have chosen to go to my school."

"But I want to tell you that as long as I, Mia Garcia, am in the entertainment circle, you, Amelia Wilson, will never have your day."

After finishing speaking, she smiled coldly at Amelia Wilson.