With me around, it's hard for you to stand out 3

Amelia Wilson shook her head forcefully again and said to Victoria Garcia, "Sis, I'm fine."

"You're clearly drunk, do you think I can't see that?" Victoria's tone carried a hint of displeasure.

Bella quickly replied from aside, "Sis, don't worry, I'll watch over Ava."

Victoria glanced at her again, heavily made up, and couldn't think of any other word to describe her but garish.

"In that case, I'll go with her to say goodbye," Victoria decided on her own.

Upon hearing these words, Bella's face changed a few times, but it was hidden under her thick makeup.

"Sis, that's not really appropriate, after all..." She trailed off, her eyes flicked to Amelia Wilson.

Ava continued, "Yeah, sis, trust me. I'm not a three-year-old child; I've dealt with these drinking scenes countless times. Nothing bad has ever happened, aside from a little flirting."

Just as she finished speaking, Ava let out a rather unladylike hiccup.