Crash again 2

Audrey Scott looked at her daughter, whose intelligence seemed to drop the moment she saw Terry Garcia, and couldn't help but get a headache.

After thinking about it, it was not her daughter's fault; Terry Garcia was so good at disguising himself that most people would be deceived by him.

"Clara, after your father's accident, I secretly transferred a large portion of my shares to your name. You'll know this if you ask Lawyer Carter later. I now hold less than 10% of the shares, while you hold 25%," Audrey told her daughter.

Hearing this news suddenly, Clara Brown was so astonished that she couldn't close her mouth. 25% meant that her position in the company would be irreplaceable.

"Mom, why did you do this?" Clara was still somewhat unclear. "Wouldn't it be better if you just gave it directly to my husband? After all, he and our children will get everything later."