Cinema Coincidence

After leaving the company, Victoria Garcia headed straight back to school to request an early internship leave from her teacher and solve her meal problem with her roommate along the way.

In the meantime, she had listened to Serenity Brown gossiping, and her mood was surprisingly good.

Though the future was full of thorns, she was undaunted, and a fresh start filled her with new energy and passion.

After Victoria arrived at the school, she saw Arnold Johnson's car and ran up to it. She pulled the door open, sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt -- all in one quick, fluid action.

Arnold Johnson was watching her with a smile on his face, unable to control his accelerating heartbeat.

He enjoyed seeing her radiant and light-hearted. Her happiness was infectious.

"You sneaked out of work again!" Victoria's voice involuntarily softened, with a tinge of flirtatious tone that she never noticed herself.