The sweetness when leaving

Arnold Johnson's Mansion.

Victoria Garcia stood under the showerhead, but her mind continuously flashed back to the scene in the underground car park where Arnold Johnson embraced her without a word and kissed her lips. In that instant, her entire body trembled uncontrollably, and it felt as if a fire had ignited within her heart.

When he released her, her ears were still burning, and throughout the entire process, she didn't have a single thought of rejection.

She even found herself somewhat expectant, yet she did not know what she was expecting, nor did she want to find out.

Not knowing how long she had been showering, Victoria felt her breathing had become somewhat rapid. She turned off the shower, dried her body with a bath towel, and put on her home clothes.

As she walked out of the bathroom door, Arnold Johnson's gaze met her own.

His eyes fell on Victoria's figure, her white camisole and white casual shorts accentuating her exquisite curves.