Fire someone

Victoria Garcia closed the portfolio and counted three seconds in her heart before speaking.

"Is this the plan you always follow for every season's new products?"

The Design Department Manager adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose and counter-questioned, "What's wrong with this idea?"

Hearing these words, numerous imaginary horses crossed Victoria's mind; this idea alone showed that there was a significant problem with this person's work ethic.

"Don't you think there's a problem?"

But the Design Manager solemnly explained, "The innovation of products is like this. We just make some changes on classic or popular products."

Right, that's innovation—a completely uncreative innovation.

"Besides this innovation model, is there nothing else?" Victoria tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart.

"We've been exploring." The manager replied with righteousness and severity.

Upon hearing this, Victoria asked her, "How many years have you been in this position?"