New Proposal 2

Emily Nelson drafted in her mind an idea, then expressed it to Victoria Garcia.

"Little Boss Garcia, you should know that we have some traditional Handicraft Masters in our factory. Their embroidery works are really excellent. However, with the changing times, these masters have not kept pace, hence, their products are not uniquely appealing, and their status in the factory has been deteriorating. But their craftsmanship is unquestionably solid," she said.

Upon hearing this, Victoria Garcia sort of understood. This issue had concerned her before. These masters were indeed invaluable. Given a good design concept to work with, their finished products could stand out as niche high-end items.

Emily Nelson went on sharing her thoughts, "I see many storefronts and online shops selling handmade products at high prices. But the embellishments they claim as handmade, are frankly unremarkable compared to what our craftsmen can do. It is simply incomparable."