An inexplicable force 2

James seemed to avoid Victoria Garcia's gaze, but he had no choice but to answer, "It has happened once, but then Headquarters did allocate the money eventually."

"In the past six months, money from Headquarters always arrives late, and the workers often have to wait for about ten to fifteen days to get their wages," James said with some difficulty. "This time, we can delay payday by another half a month, like we did before."

"You go back first. I'll take care of the funding," Victoria replied.

As soon as James left, Candy Foster walked in.

"Any progress on your investigation?" Victoria asked directly.

Candy shook her head, "I haven't found out who is spreading the rumors. Everyone in the factory is waiting to see what happens with the payroll and bonuses. If they are paid in full, some people will naturally come forward. But if there's a problem with payout, I fear there might be a strike."