If I treat you like this too, 2

Victoria Garcia looked away, knowing from his tone that she had stirred his emotions once again.

Why couldn't he let go after all this time?

"I'm not afraid of you," Victoria turned back and looked him straight in the eyes, telling him.

Yet Alexander Mitchell stubbornly asked her, "If you're not afraid of me, why do you keep dodging me at every turn?"

Victoria remained silent, for she had indeed been avoiding meeting up with him, but in her eyes, this was only being responsible for herself and his relationship with Arnold Johnson.

She wasn't an ungrateful woman, and since she had made her decision, she should not be entangled with the past.

Alexander said he wanted to be friends, but they both knew the truth of that friendship.

When they were apart, Alexander might have thought so, but once they met up, his affectionate gaze was so obvious even a blind man could see it, let alone her.