He is not a good person

Emily Nelson was wearing a nude and white dress that accentuated her petite figure, making her fair skin appear even more delicate and radiant against the contrasting colors.

"Little Boss Garcia." Emily swallowed before continuing, "Clifford Carter has a bad reputation in Green City, so he isn't a good person. You must be on your guard around him."

Upon hearing her words, a faint smile appeared on Victoria Garcia's lips.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

However, Emily continued with concern, "You haven't been in Green City for long, so you may not know that Clifford is a notorious playboy, and a very ruthless one at that."

"I have no interest in people like him," Victoria replied directly.

Emily pulled Victoria closer and whispered, "I've heard that he has a life on his hands, so you must not get into any disputes with him. He's not someone to be trifled with."

"Thank you for telling me all this," Victoria sincerely replied.

Soon after, she entered Conference Room 4.