Framed by someone 2

Alexander Mitchell's greatest wish in his life was to marry Victoria Garcia and have two lovely children with her.

At this moment, Victoria was right in front of him, and he wondered if taking this step could make everything half successful.

The devil inside him leapt out at this moment, saying: "Alexander, what are you waiting for? This is a rare chance that won't come around again. Think about it, you did what you did to Victoria because you were a victim too, you were drugged."

But the other voice in Alexander's heart was saying: "You should absolutely not do this. This is clearly a trap, and if you take the plunge, there will be consequences to shoulder, and disgrace will be the obvious outcome."

"What is disgrace, and what is a lost future compared to not being able to marry Victoria Garcia? Moreover, what use is a good career or fame without her? Let's just take this opportunity to jump into the trap - as long as you can get Victoria, nothing else matters."