Framed by someone 4

Victoria Garcia's hand tried to push away, but it was held even tighter by him.

"I won't let go, not for the rest of my life!" Alexander Mitchell, under the influence of the drug, felt a little dizzy, and the burning sensation inside his body grew more and more intense. His lips pressed against hers without any courtesy.

That pair of lips had been on his mind for countless years.

Victoria tried desperately to dodge, but couldn't escape the fate of being kissed. She kept her lips tightly closed.

Her whole body was pressed against the wall by him.

Actually, if she wanted to resist, there was one way - that was to kick right in between Alexander's legs.

But she hesitated to use this move.

At this moment, Alexander's body was already completely aroused by the drug. If she were to strike him down there, he might never be able to recover.

If that were the consequence, she couldn't bear it.

She couldn't bring herself to do it.