Divorce 2

So, Clara Brown tried her best to suppress all her anger in her heart and spoke as calmly as possible in every sentence.

"Before the video was exposed, it was in the hands of your daughter, Victoria Garcia. And it was less than 24 hours after the incident that she came to me with the video as a bargaining chip. So I agreed to her request, but that little b*tch Victoria not only took all of Josephine Garcia's videos from me but also told me that she had sent the video to you."

Clara Brown swallowed and continued without giving Terry Garcia a chance to interrupt, "Of course, I believe that you would not release the video. It must have been Victoria who did it, and the reason why this happened to me was also because she set me up. The scenes in the video are not real, I was drugged by Victoria."

Everything was caused by Victoria.

Terry Garcia listened carelessly, more focused on the fact that everyone online knew that he was cuckolded.