Initial results achieved 2

The comments quickly shot up by tens of thousands. Some were favoring Mia Garcia, some were favoring Amelia Wilson, but most were just sharing a piece of the gossip.

Without a doubt, Amelia Wilson was brutally and publicly humiliated.

At this moment, Amelia Wilson was angrily staring at the screen. The company's temporary abandonment didn't mean she had no team of her own. She was none other than "rightfully" Miss Garcia, she naturally had her small work team. They were scrambling to save the situation after such an incident happened.

In less than twenty minutes, there were more counterattacks in the comments.

"Poor Mia Garcia, she was humiliated by her own mother yesterday, then her boyfriend today, and also, her own cousin!"

"What? What? Mia Garcia and Amelia Wilson are cousins? Could a reliable source give us the scoop?"