Initial results achieved 4

Mia Garcia picked up something nearby and threw it out.

"Oh, I think I heard something fall to the ground. Do you want to pick it up, so you don't lose anything precious?" Amelia Wilson was feeling extremely elated, so her tone was very lively, "Like, for example, the necklace from an Ex-partner!"

"Amelia Wilson, you better not fucking go too far!"

"I've gone too far? What are you gonna do about it?" Amelia Wilson whistled softly and casually said, "Bite me, come on!"

Who would be scared of such a thing!

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, she was going to return all the humiliation she had endured over the years bit by bit.

Mia Garcia knew very well that Amelia Wilson had come to mock her with an attitude of a winner.