What on earth is going on

Victoria Garcia opened her wide eyes, trying to push Arnold Johnson away, but his hands gripped her tightly.

This man was truly a madman!

Without a doubt, Arnold ignited a fire in Victoria's body.

In his kisses, she quickly melted away.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened.

Arnold's reflexes were incredibly swift in such matters. While Victoria was still in a daze, he appeared calm and composed, as if she was a stranger to him.

This feeling made Victoria feel like they were engaging in a "secret affair"!

The elevator doors closed and opened again.

As soon as the person waiting for the elevator left, Arnold pounced on Victoria like a hungry wolf.

Victoria genuinely thought that the man in front of her had gone mad!

As for her, she was already mad, otherwise, she wouldn't have been drowning in Arnold's passionate kisses, unable to break free!